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3.3. Binaural analyzer organization


Binaural analyzer of the human auditory system and
animals unlike technical devices
a number of salient features. Definition
directions to the sound source is made in it
simultaneous measurement of two parameters: difference
the moments of arrival and the difference in the amplitudes of the signals
of each ear. These parameter in certain structures
brain can be transcoded one into another, leading to
the formation of a generalized - “resulting” parameter,
the magnitude of which is estimated direction. Exactly

definition of direction in binaural
analyzer is much higher than accuracy
its constituent elements (neurons — detectors of various
parameters) [46].
When processing information about the direction to the source
sound neural structure binaural analyzer
perform the following operations: 1) determining the moment
the beginning of the sound signal and the amplitude of the signal in this
moment; 2) positional coding front slope
the front, frequency and intensity of sound
an excited element; 3) detection of steepness maxima
sound front and maxima of the sound frequency spectrum;
4) amplitude conversion to delayed arrival
impulses to the level of comparison; 5) positional coding
interaural difference in intensities and phases; 6)
increase the reliability and accuracy of direction measurement
due to lateral interaction mechanisms
elements - [primary direction detectors; 7)
determination and positional coding of the distance to the source
sound; 8) speed and direction detection
sound source movement.
3.3.1. Two information processing subsystems
about direction
to sound source
The binaural analyzer consists of two subsystems:
1) departments analyzing rapid changes in
signals - a subsystem of "short sounds"; 2) departments
processing the average characteristics of the signals, -
subsystem of "long sounds". In the first subsystem at
signal analysis uses the time method -
processed information about the shape of the sound fronts
bursts on the right and left ear. Definition of direction in
this subsystem is measured
interaural difference of phases and amplitudes of sound signals. Second
the subsystem uses the spectral method -
processes information about interaural relative
differences of amplitudes of the corresponding spectral
components of the sound signal (Fig. 3.11).
Both systems simultaneously process information
on many parallel channels. However, when
special selection of sound signals the main role can
play one of the subsystems. For example, when defining

created: 2019-11-03
updated: 2021-03-13

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