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2.2. Information processes in dendritic structures


The informational properties of a neuron are substantially
depend on the processes in its dendrites. Exists
strong experimental evidence that
the membrane of dendrites of neurons of many types is
excitable (able to conduct active action potentials,
similar to how it happens in bezmielinovye
axons). Theoretical consideration of information
properties of neurons with active dendrites based on
physiology, morphology and results
simulation of the spread of excitation in the nerve
fibers, it can be assumed that in the dendritic system
the most significant processing of information occurs,
coming to the neuron. Morphological examination
sketches of neurons with developed dendrites taking into account
possible information processes in dendrites
allows you to take a fresh look at the neuron, as well as at
a whole network of such neurons: a neuron model
now appears as multi-input and multi-output
vogo element. This implies that the neuron
It has several functionally different outputs.
In addition to the traditional axon exit,
branching into a series of collaterals, the neuron can additionally
to have several "dendritic exits", that is, to have
the ability to transmit excitation directly
from some sections of the dendritic tree to dendrites,
som or axon of neighboring neurons. Impulse appearance
at the axon output of the neuron in question
not necessary.
Information Transformations May Occur
in interconnected dendritic neural structures
network, leading to the appearance of pulses on the axon
outputs of any network neurons only when implemented
in the dendritic structure of many neurons defined
The listed information allows us to formulate
the concept that processing information in networks
of neurons with developed dendrites to a large extent
determined by information processes in
dendritic structures.
The concept is based on three points,
established as a result of experimental studies of


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Terms: Neurobionics