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List of test questions to acoustooptics


1. What does acoustooptics study?

2. For processing, what signals are used acousto-optic devices?

3. What is the effect of acousto-optic interaction?

4. What acoustic frequencies does the Raman-Nata mode normally correspond to?

5. What acoustic frequencies does the Bragg mode usually correspond to?

6. How many diffraction maxima are commonly used in acousto-optic devices?

7. Under the influence of which there is a spatial modulation of the optical properties of the medium?

8. How do the optical properties of the medium change over time?

9. What happens in case of forced Mandel'shtam-Brillouin scattering?

10. What does not allow to measure acousto-optic diffraction?

11. With what help measure the elastic moduli of higher orders?

12. How is the light absorption coefficient measured in the photoacoustic spectroscopy method?

13. What is the photoacoustic spectrum of a substance analogous to?

14. What is the information carrier in acousto-optical devices?

15. What acousto-optical devices control the direction of the light beam in space?

16. What can be used to control the diffracted beam?

17. Which acousto-optical devices control the intensity of the light beams?

18. How can I move a selected interval across the optical spectrum over a wide range?

19. What is a time-varying electrical signal converted into an acousto-optic processor?

20. What wave interaction occurs in optical waveguides?


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Acoustoelectronics and acoustooptics

Terms: Acoustoelectronics and acoustooptics