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List of test questions to acoustoelectronics


1. What is functional electronics?

2. What is acoustoelectronics?

3. What properties of AB determine their use in radio engineering and electronics?

4. What is the advantage of using surface waves instead of bulk waves?

5. What effects are explored within electroacoustics?

6. What is acoustoelectric?

7. What is the phenomenon of direct piezo effect?

8. What is the phenomenon of the inverse piezoelectric effect?

9. What is the effect of amplification of OAB by supersonic drift electron flow?

10. What is the excitation of an acoustic wave in an EAI at bulk waves?

11. What piezoelectric semiconductors are used in industry?

12. What is the difficulty of practical realization of the effect of amplification of bulk AB by the drift electron flow?

13. What is the excitation of an acoustic wave in an EAI based on surface waves?

14. What is the IDT?

15. What is the period of the structure of the IDP?

16. What is the main advantage of a surface type EAU?

17. What is used as a semiconductor layer material in an EIA?

18. What products make up the majority of the surfactant device market?


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Acoustoelectronics and acoustooptics

Terms: Acoustoelectronics and acoustooptics