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Drawing: launch rocket on

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launch rocket

This picture shows a rocket being prepared for launch from the space station.

The place of action is a space station, where the rocket is preparing for its space flight.

In the foreground of the picture is an impressive view of the rocket standing vertically on the launch pad. The rocket has a modern design and a shiny metallic body. She looks powerful and impressive. Its engines and lower part are surrounded by volumetric fuel tanks, which are ready to supply fuel for launch.

In the background you can see a space port and a space station with a large number of antennas and equipment for controlling the rocket. Astronauts can be seen next to the station checking equipment and preparing for launch.

The sky around the rocket can be clear and cloudless, ready for launch into space. The entire picture radiates an atmosphere of anticipation and grandeur that accompanies the launch of a rocket on an unknown journey through space.

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To draw better you need use various techniques using lines, compositions, rhythm, perspectives, shadows, reflections, color combinations, respect for proportions, sizes, scales more .

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