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Drawing: Wooden hut on

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Wooden hut

The picture shows a wooden hut that stands in a picturesque natural environment. This cozy wooden hut is a typical rural home, full of charm and simplicity.

The hut has two floors and a roof with a small canopy, which gives it a traditional Russian style. The wooden walls of the hut are painted white and the roof is thatched, giving the house warmth and authenticity.

In front of the hut you can see a small wooden fence that frames a small courtyard. Bright flowers and green bushes grow in the yard, creating a bright contrast with the snow-white hut.

The windows of the hut are decorated with wooden carvings and are open, which creates a feeling of hospitality and warmth. Inside the hut, there may be elements of rustic furniture and household items, which adds to the atmosphere of this cozy village abode.

Nature extends around the hut: trees, mountains and sky. This landscape gives the hut a sense of privacy and tranquility, making it an ideal place to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

This drawing conveys an image of traditional village life and its connection with nature, and also invites the viewer to immerse itself in an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

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