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Drawing: computer of the future on

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computer of the future

the computer of the future is a real miracle of engineering imagination and technological advancement. This computer can be designed based on important trends in the development of modern computers and reflects the dream of a perfect computer for children in the future.

The computer of the future impresses with its ergonomics and ease of use. It has rounded, safe corners and a structure that reliably protects against shocks and drops, specially designed with young users in mind.

Its screen is a large touch display that responds to gestures, drawings and touches. The child can use his own fingers or even a special stylus to interact with the computer. The screen displays bright, rich colors and high-resolution graphics, which makes the user experience extremely exciting and educational.

the computer has a built-in artificial intelligence system that helps the child in learning and development. It recognizes the individual needs and interests of each little user and provides personalized recommendations for learning and entertainment.

the computer is equipped with innovative holographic display technology, thanks to which the child can feel as if he is in his own virtual reality, during educational classes or games.

The operating system of this drawing computer of the future is an intuitive and kid-friendly platform that allows easy use of all functions and applications. It supports open access to many educational resources and interactive lessons.

Everything about this computer-based drawing of the future is aimed at creating an exciting and educational environment for children, where they can develop their skills, creativity and imagination, watching how technology makes this process extremely exciting and interesting.

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To draw better you need use various techniques using lines, compositions, rhythm, perspectives, shadows, reflections, color combinations, respect for proportions, sizes, scales more .

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