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Everything about the Laravel framework


  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework

  Everything about the Laravel framework


2. Taylor Otwell Creator of Laravel @taylorotwell

3. V 4.2.X Current Release

4. Google Trends from 2004 to current


6. Easy to Learn

7. Ready For Tomorrow

8. Great Community

9. Composer Powered Dependency Manager for PHP

10. Eloquent ORM


12. INSTALLATION It's not easy to tell you.

13. IoC Inverse of Control IlluminateContainerContainer

14. Re-usable "Removing dependency from the code ”

15. Simplifying Dependency Injection $ object = new SomeClass ($ dependency1, $ dependency2); $ object = App :: make ('SomeClass');

16. Hard-coded source dependency public function sendEmail () {$ mailer = new Mailer; $ mailer-> send (); } public function sendEmail () {$ mailer = App :: make ('Mailer'); $ mailer-> send (); } IoC Resolution

17. Telling IoC what we need $ Bar = App :: make ('Bar'); // new Bar; App :: bind ('Bar', 'MockBar'); $ Bar = App :: make ('Bar'); // new MockBar;

18. App: bind ('SomeClass', function () {return new Foo;}); $ fooObject = new Foo; $ object = App :: bind ('SomeClass', $ fooObject); App :: bind ('SomeClass', 'Foo');

19. Singleton Dependencies $ object = App :: singleton ('CurrentUser', function () {$ auth = App :: make ('Auth'); return $ auth-> user (); // returns user object});

20. Automatic Dependency Resolution class EmailService {public function __construct (Mailer $ mailer) {$ this-> mailer = $ mailer; } public function sendEmail () {$ this-> mailer-> send (); }} $ EmailService = App :: make ('EmailService');

21. Service Providers

22. Service Providers use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider; class ContentServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {public function register () {$ this-> app-> bind ('PostInterface', 'MyNameSpacePost'); }} App :: register ('ContentServiceProvider'); // Registering at Runtime

23. Laravel Facades Illuminate / Support / Facades / Facade

24. What is the Facade In Laravel? Hide interface interface behind a simple one.

25. What is happening? Illuminate / Support / Facades / Route Route :: get ('/', 'HomeController @ getIndex'); $ app-> make ('router') -> get ('/', 'HomeController @ getIndex'); Illuminate / Routing / Router

26. Hourly Lighthouses / Hurricanes / Hourly / Hourly / Hurricanes / Appays / Lighthouses / Hopers / Hours / Lens / Hills / Lens / Hills / Lens / Hills / Cards / Hatch / Hatch / Hatch / Hatch / Hatch / Hatch / Hatch / Hatch / Hatch / L / H / H / L / H / H / H / E / C

27. Eloquent Talking to your data IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel

28. $ result = mysql_query (“SELECT * FROM` users` ”); How to query in plain PHP 5.4 or less (deprecated) $ mysqli = new mysqli (“localhost”, “user”, ”password”, ”database”); $ result = $ mysqli-> query (“SELECT * FROM` users` “); How you query in plain PHP 5.5 or above User :: all (); In Laravel 4, does the same query

29. User :: all (); DB :: table ('users') -> get (); IlluminateDatabaseQueryBuilder What happens when you use Eloquent ORM

30. Create, Read, Update, Delete Post :: create ($ data); Post :: find ($ id); Post :: find ($ id) -> update ($ data); Post :: delete ($ id);

31. Eloquent {public function comments () {return $ this-> hasMany ('Comment'); } public function author () {return $ this-> belongsTo ('User'); } public function scopePublished ($ q) {return $ q-> where ('publish', '=', 1); }}

32. Eloquent {public function comments () {return $ this-> hasMany ('Comment'); } public function author () {return $ this-> belongsTo ('User'); } public function scopePublished ($ q) {return $ q-> where ('publish', '=', 1); }}

33. $ post = Post :: find ($ id); $ author = post-> author; // get the author's object $ posts = Post :: with ('author') -> get (); Get Posts including Authors

34. Get Post Comments Approved $ post = Post :: find ($ id); $ comments = $ post-> comments () -> where ('approved', true) -> get ();

35. Model with Query Scope $ published_posts = Post :: published () -> get (); // gets all posts published $ published_posts = Post :: where ('publish', '=', true) -> get (); // gets all posts published

36. Query Scope Example class Post extends Eloquent {public function comments () {return $ this-> hasMany ('Comment'); } public function author () {return $ this-> belongsTo ('User'); } public function scopePublished ($ q) {return $ q-> where ('publish', '=', 1); }}

37. Eloquent Relations

38. Eloquent Relationship One to One (hasOne) class User $ this-> hasOne ('Profile', 'user_id'); function Profile () Users pK: id username email Profile pk: id fK: user_id url

39. class Post $ this-> hasMany ('Comment'); function comments () Posts pK: id title user_id Comments pk: id fK: post_id user_id Eloquent Relationship One to Many (hasMany)

40. class User $ this-> belongsToMany ('Group'); function groups () Users pK: id username email Groups pk: id Name Group_User user_id group_id Eloquent Relationship Many to Many (belongsToMany)

41. class Country $ this-> hasManyThrough ('User'); function posts () Countries pK: id id code code Posts pk: id user_id title body Users pk: id country_id username email Eloquent Relationship One to Many through (hasManyThrough)

42. Eloquent Relationship Polymorphic Association $ user-> image; $ movie-> image; class Movie $ this-> morphMany ('Photo', 'imageable); function image () Profile pK: id user_id preferences Photos pk: id file_path imageable_id imageable_type Movie pk: id id released released Photo $ this-> morphTo (); function imageable () class Profile $ this-> morphMany ('Photo', 'imageable); function image ()

43. Polymorphic Association $ movie-> tags; $ post-> tags; Posts pK: id title body Taggables tag_id taggable_id taggable_type Movie pK: id title released released class Movie $ this-> morphToMany ('Tag', 'Taggable'); function tags () Tags pk: id name class Post $ this-> morphToMany ('Tag', 'Taggable'); function tags () class Tag $ this-> morphedByMany ('Post', 'Taggable'); function posts () $ this-> morphedByMany ('Movie', 'Taggable'); function movies ()

44. Underneath Eloquent Model Query Builder DB :: table ('users') -> get (); DB :: table ('users') -> where ('email', '') -> first (); DB :: table ('users') -> where ('votes', '>', 100) -> orWhere ('votebox', 'A') -> get (); IlluminateDatabaseQueryBuilder

45. DB Query :: table ('users') -> join (' contacts', function ($ join) {$ join-> on ('', '=', 'contacts.user_id ') -> whereNotNull (' contacts.mobile_number ');}) -> leftJoin (' submissions', '', '=', 'submissions.user_id') -> whereExists (function ($ query) {$ query-> select (DB :: raw (1)) -> from ('reviews') -> whereRaw (' reviews.user_id = ');}) -> whereYear (' users.joined_date ','> ', 2010) -> get (); Received all joined in 2010. Only select users with their contacts.

46. ​​Find out remaining 70% of Eloquent Features from the documentation

47. Routing Wolf

48. Multiple Routing Paradigms 1. route to closures 2. route to controller actions 3. route to RESTful controllers 4. route to resource

49. Routing to Closure Route :: get ('techtalks', function () {return “

Welcome “;}); Route :: post ('techtalks', function () {}); Route :: put ('techtalks / {id}', function ($ id) {}); Route :: delete ('techtalks / {id}', function ($ id) {}); Route :: any ('techtalks', function () {});

50. Route Groups and Filters Route :: group (['prefix' => 'settings', 'before' => 'auth'], function () {Route :: get ('users', function () {// get a post by id});}); Route :: filter ('auth', function () {if (Auth :: guest ()) return Redirect :: guest ('login');});

51. Subdomain Routing // Registering sub-domain routes Route :: group (['domain' => '{account}'], function () {Route :: get ('/', function ($ account ) {return “welcome to“. $ account;})}};

52. Routing to a Controller Action class HomePageController extends BaseController {public function home () {return “welcome to home page”; }} Route :: get ('/', 'HomePageController @ home');

53. class TechTalksController extends Controller {public function getIndex () {} / talks public function getTalkerProfile ($ id) {} ​​/ talks / talker-profile / 1 public function getTalk ($ id) {} ​​/ talks / talk / 1 public function postTalk () {} / talks / talk public function putTalk () {} / talks / talk public function deleteTalk ($ id) {} ​​/ talks / talk / 1} Routing to RESTful Controller Route :: controller ('talks',' TechTalksController '); Public method must be prefixed with an HTTP verb

54. class PostsController extends Controller {public function index () {} // posts GET public function create () {} // posts / create GET public function store () {} // posts POST public function show ($ id) { } // posts / {id} GET public function edit ($ id) {} ​​// posts / {id} / edit GET public function update () {} // posts / {id} PUT public function destroy () {} // posts / {id} DELETE ... Routing to Resource Controller Route :: resource ('posts', 'PostsController');

55. Other Cool Features

56. Authentication $ credentials = ['username' => 'raftalks', 'password' => 'secret']; if (Auth :: attempt ($ credentals) === false) {return Redirect :: to ('login-error'); } if (Auth :: check () === false) {return Redirect :: to ('login'); } Check if user is authenticated

57. Localization App :: setLocale ('dv'); echo Lang :: get ('news.world_news'); // out puts “ނި ޔޭ ގެ ޚަ ބަ ރު” echo Trans ('news.world_news'); Basic Usage return array (“world_news” => “ނި ޔޭ ގެ ޚަ ބަ ރު”, “news” => “ ަ ބަ ރު ”, ... Lang File FILE PATH: / app / lang / dv news.php

58. Artisan CLI

59. Creating DB Migration php artisan migrate: make create_users_table - create = users class Create_Users_table extends Migration {public function up () {Schema :: create ('users', function (Blueprint $ table) {$ table-> increments (' id '); $ table-> string (' username ', 50); $ table-> string (' password ', 200);}); }, public function down () {Schema :: drop ('users'); }}

60. Seeding into your DB class DefaultAdminUserSeeder extends Seeder {public function run () {DB :: table ('users') -> delete (); // truncates the table data User :: create (['username' => 'admin', 'password' => Hash :: make ('password')]); }}

61. Events Event :: fire ('news.created', $ post); Event :: listen ('news.created', function ($ post) {UserPostCounter :: increment ('posts', $ post-> user_id);});

62. Mail Mail :: send ('emails.welcome', $ data, function ($ message) use ($ user) {$ message-> to ($ user-> email, $ user-> name) -> subject ( 'Welcome');}); API drivers for Mailgun or Mandrill

63. Queues Beanstalkd Amazon SQS IronMQ Redis Synchronous (for lcoal use) Queue :: push ('SendEmail', ['message' => $ message]); php artisan queue: listen

64. Remote SSH SSH :: run (['cd / var / www', 'git pull origin master']);

65. Laravel Homestead ng Vagrant, Included Softwares • Ubuntu 14.04 • PHP 5.5 • Nginx • MySQL • Postgres • Node (with Bower, Grunt, Gulp) • Redis • Memcached • Beanstalkd • Laravel Envoy • Fabric + HipChat Extension

66. Sign Up -> Add Your Cloud's API Key -> Serve Happiness

67. Meet the community @ IRC Channel: #laravel Server: Port: 6667

68. Next Laracon

69. Laravel Maldives Group If you are interested. My Emails:

70. ???

71. Sleep Well :)


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