You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

3.1 Description of the system


Each product in the catalog is described by article number, size range, price and photo with a brief description.

The buyer can download the catalog of goods. The catalog does not contain sections, has a block structure, consists of a set of products with photos, price

in size. The buyer puts the favorite products in the basket, while choosing the size and quantity of the necessary goods of this article.

You can change the cart: view, delete the item, change the number of items of one article, return to the catalog.

When a customer places an order, he enters his personal data, phone

He pays for it by credit card (if the order is not paid, then it is not made).

After the order is made, it can be picked up from the warehouse after 1 business day. The order data is received by the store employee, let's call it the sales employee, he checks the availability of goods and sends it to the stockman for a complete set. The storekeeper, having collected the order, makes a mark of readiness.

The order is issued from the warehouse by the stockman. The storekeeper issues an order and notes in the system that the order has been issued.

The shop does not deliver orders, does not make discounts. For

To limit the scope of the task, we do not consider the store's supply system with new goods. This is done by another system, let's call it Warehouse. Information about the goods sold (i.e. orders made) also goes to the Warehouse system.

Since it goes through different stages from creation to issuing an order, it will be reasonable to introduce the concept of order status. Store employees can change the status of the order, and the buyer can follow the assembly order. In this case, our system provides another function: to know the status of the order.


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