You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

6.2 Creating a StarUML Activity Diagram


To build an activity diagram for some use case in StarUML, right-click on this use case, select Add Diagram in the pop-up menu, then select Activity Diagram in the list that appears (Fig. 29).

6.2 Creating a StarUML Activity Diagram

Figure 29. Adding an activity diagram

The field for creating an activity diagram appears in the program window, the toolbar on the left changes, and the new diagram is displayed on the model navigator.

Example. Let us construct an activity diagram for an additional precedent. Place an order by an actor Buyer (see Fig. 30). Ordering includes specifying your personal contact information, e-mail and payment of the order. Registration starts from the shopping cart when he chooses the option “Checkout”.

6.2 Creating a StarUML Activity Diagram

Figure 30. Case use case diagram Checkout


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