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Class relationships in UML




Class (class) in the UML language is used to designate a set of objects that have the same structure, behavior and relationships with objects from other classes. Graphically, the class is depicted as a rectangle, which can additionally be divided by horizontal lines into sections or sections (Fig. 5.1). In these sections you can specify the class name, attributes (variables) and operations (methods).

  Class relationships in UML

Fig. 5.1. Graphic image of the class in the class diagram

Mandatory elements of class designation is its name. At the initial stages of diagram development, individual classes can be denoted by a simple rectangle indicating only the name of the corresponding class (Fig. 5.1, a). As the individual components of the class description chart are developed, attributes are added (Fig. 5.1, b) and operations (Fig. 5.1, c).

It is assumed that the final version of the diagram contains the most complete description of classes, which consist of three sections or sections. Sometimes an additional fourth section is used in the notation of classes, in which semantic information of a reference nature is given or exceptions are explicitly indicated.

Even if the attributes and operations section is empty, it is highlighted with a horizontal line in the class notation to immediately distinguish the class from other UML elements. Examples of the graphic representation of classes on the class diagram are shown in Fig. 5.2. In the first case, for the class "Rectangle" (Fig. 5.2, a), only its attributes are indicated - points on the coordinate plane that define its location. For the class "Window" (Fig. 5.2, b) only its operations are indicated, the attributes section is left blank. For the class "Account" (Fig. 5.2, c), the fourth section is additionally depicted, in which the exception is indicated - refusal to process an overdue credit card.

  Class relationships in UML

Fig.5.2. Graphic examples of classes in the diagram

Class name

The class name must be unique within the package, which is described by a certain set of class diagrams (possibly a single diagram). It is indicated in the first upper section of the rectangle. In addition to the general rule for naming UML elements, the class name is written in the center of the name section in bold and must begin with a capital letter. It is recommended to use nouns that are written for practical reasons without gaps as class names. It must be remembered that it is the names of the classes that form the vocabulary of the subject area when OOAP.

In the first section of the class notation, there may be references to standard templates or abstract classes from which this class is formed and, accordingly, from which it inherits properties and methods. This section can provide information about the developer of this class and the status of the development status, as well as other general properties of this class that are related to other diagram classes or standard UML elements.

Examples of class names can be such nouns as “Employee”, “Company”, “Manager”, “Customer”, “Seller”, “Manager”, “Office” and many others that are directly related to the modeled domain and functionality. projected system.

A class may not have instances or objects. In this case, it is called an abstract class, and italic is used to indicate its name. In UML, there is a general agreement that any text relating to an abstract element is written in italics. This circumstance is a semantic aspect of the description of the corresponding elements of the UML language.

The UML class diagram allows you to designate relationships between classes and their instances. What are they needed for? They are needed, for example, to model an application area. But how are relationships reflected in the program code? This small study attempts to answer this question — to show this relationship in code.

First, let's try to clarify how the relationships between classes in the UML relate to each other. Using various sources, it was possible to construct the following structural diagram demonstrating the types of relationships:

  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 1 - Relations between classes

Associations have navigation: bidirectional or unidirectional, indicating the direction of communication. That is, each type of association still has two subspecies, which are not shown in the figure.

1. Summary

So, our goal is to build a UML class diagram (Class Model), and then reflect it in object-oriented code.

As an application area, take the human resources department of a certain enterprise and begin to build its model. For examples we will use the Java language.

The generalization relationship is inheritance. This attitude is well considered in every textbook of any OOP language. In Java, it has an explicit implementation through extending one class to another.

  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 2 - Generalization relation

The “Man” class (man) is more abstract, and the “Employee” (employee) is more specialized. The “Employee” class inherits the “Man” properties and methods.

Let's try to write the code for this diagram:
public class Man{ protected String name; protected String surname; public void setName(String newName){ name = newName; } public String getName(){ return name; } public void setSurname(String newSurname){ name = newSurname; } public String getSurname(){ return surname; } } // наследуем класс Man public class Employee extends Man{ private String position; // создаем и конструктор public Employee(String n, String s, String p){ name = n; surname = s; position = p; } public void setPosition(String newProfession){ position = newProfession; } public String getPosition(){ return position; } } 

2. Association

The association shows the relationships between the class instance objects.
2.1 Binary

The class “IdCard” was added to the model, which represents the employee identification card (pass). Only one ID card can correspond to each employee, communication power is 1 to 1.
  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 3 - Binary Association

 public class Employee extends Man{ private String position; private IdCard iCard; public Employee(String n, String s, String p){ name = n; surname = s; position = p; } public void setPosition(String newPosition){ position = newPosition; } public String getPosition(){ return position; } public void setIdCard(IdCard c){ iCard = c; } public IdCard getIdCard(){ return iCard; } } public class IdCard{ private Date dateExpire; private int number; public IdCard(int n){ number = n; } public void setNumber(int newNumber){ number = newNumber; } public int getNumber(){ return number; } public void setDateExpire(Date newDateExpire){ dateExpire = newDateExpire; } public Date getDateExpire(){ return dateExpire; } } 

In the body of the program we create objects and link them:
 IdCard card = new IdCard(123); card.setDateExpire(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2015-12-31")); sysEngineer.setIdCard(card); System.out.println(sysEngineer.getName() +" работает в должности "+ sysEngineer.getPosition()); System.out.println("Удостовирение действует до " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(sysEngineer.getIdCard().getDateExpire()) ); 

The Employee class has a card field whose IdCard type, as well as a class has methods for assigning a value (setIdCard) to this field and for
get value (getIdCard). From an instance of an Employee object, we can find out about an IdCard object associated with it, which means
navigation (arrow on line) is directed from Employee to IdCard.

2.2 N-ary association

Imagine that the organization should be assigned to employees of the premises. Add a new class Room.
Each employee object (Employee) can correspond to several workrooms. Communication power is one-to-many.
Navigation from Employee to Room.
  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 4 - N-ary association

Now we will try to reflect this in the code. New class Room:
 public class Room{ private int number; public Room(int n){ number = n; } public void setNumber(int newNumber){ number = newNumber; } public int getNumber(){ return number; } } 

Add a field and methods to work with Room to the Employee class:
 ... private Set room = new HashSet(); ... public void setRoom(Room newRoom){ room.add(newRoom); } public Set getRoom(){ return room; } public void deleteRoom(Room r){ room.remove(r); } ... 

Example of use:
 public static void main(String[] args){ Employee sysEngineer = new Employee("John", "Connor", "Manager"); IdCard card = new IdCard(123); card.setDateExpire(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2015-12-31")); sysEngineer.setIdCard(card); Room room101 = new Room(101); Room room321 = new Room(321); sysEngineer.setRoom(room101); sysEngineer.setRoom(room321); System.out.println(sysEngineer.getName() +" работает в должности "+ sysEngineer.getPosition()); System.out.println("Удостовирение действует до " + sysEngineer.getIdCard().getDateExpire()); System.out.println("Может находиться в помещеньях:"); Iterator iter = sysEngineer.getRoom().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()){ System.out.println( ((Room); } } 

2.3 Aggregation

Let's introduce the Department class into our model - our enterprise is structured by departments. In each department can work one or more people. We can say that the department includes one or more employees and thus aggregates them. An enterprise may have employees who do not belong to any department, for example, an enterprise director.
  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 5 - Aggregation

Department class:
 public class Department{ private String name; private Set employees = new HashSet(); public Department(String n){ name = n; } public void setName(String newName){ name = newName; } public String getName(){ return name; } public void addEmployee(Employee newEmployee){ employees.add(newEmployee); // связываем сотрудника с этим отделом newEmployee.setDepartment(this); } public Set getEmployees(){ return employees; } public void removeEmployee(Employee e){ employees.remove(e); } } 

So, our class, in addition to the constructor and the method of changing the name of a department, has methods for adding a new employee to the department, for deleting an employee and for getting all the employees in this department. Navigation in the diagram is not shown, which means it is bidirectional: from an object of type “Department” you can find out about an employee and from an object of type “Employee” you can find out which department it belongs to.

Since we need to easily recognize which department an employee belongs to, we will add a field and methods to the Employee class to assign and receive a department.

 ... private Department department; ... public void setDepartment(Department d){ department = d; } public Department getDepartment(){ return department; } 


 Department programmersDepartment = new Department("Программисты"); programmersDepartment.addEmployee(sysEngineer); System.out.println("Относится к отделу "+sysEngineer.getDepartment().getName()); 

2.3.1 Composition

Suppose that one of the requirements for our system is the requirement to store information about the previous position in the enterprise.
We introduce a new class “pastPosition”. In addition to the “name” property, we also introduce the “department” property, which will connect it with the “Department” class.

The data on past positions are part of employee data, thus the whole-part relationship between them and at the same time, data on past positions cannot exist without an object of the “Employee” type. Destroying an Employee object should result in the destruction of pastPosition objects.
  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 6 - Composition

Class "PastPosition":
 private class PastPosition{ private String name; private Department department; public PastPosition(String position, Department dep){ name = position; department = dep; } public void setName(String newName){ name = newName; } public String getName(){ return name; } public void setDepartment(Department d){ department = d; } public Department getDepartment(){ return department; } } 

In the Employee class, add properties and methods for working with data about a previous position:
 ... private Set pastPosition = new HashSet(); ... public void setPastPosition(PastPosition p){ pastPosition.add(p); } public Set getPastPosition(){ return pastPosition; } public void deletePastPosition(PastPosition p){ pastPosition.remove(p); } ... 

 // изменяем должность sysEngineer.setPosition("Сторож"); // смотрим ранее занимаемые должности: System.out.println("В прошлом работал как:"); Iterator iter = sysEngineer.getPastPosition().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()){ System.out.println( ((PastPosition); } 

3. Dependency

To organize a dialogue with the user, we introduce into the system the class “Menu”. We build one “showEmployees” method that shows the list of employees and their positions. The parameter for the method is an array of "Employee" objects. Thus, changes made to the Employee class may require changes to the Menu class.
  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 7 - Dependency

Note that the class “Menu” does not belong to the application area, but is a “system” class of an imaginary application.
Class "Menu":
 public class Menu{ private static int i=0; public static void showEmployees(Employee[] employees){ System.out.println("Список сотрудников:"); for (i=0; i<employees.length; i++){ if(employees[i] instanceof Employee){ System.out.println(employees[i].getName() +" - " + employees[i].getPosition()); } } } } 

 // добавим еще одного сотрудника Employee director = new Employee("Федор", "Дубов", "Директор"); Menu menu = new Menu(); Employee employees[] = new Employee[10]; employees[0]= sysEngineer; employees[1] = director; Menu.showEmployees(employees); 

4. Implementation

An implementation, like inheritance, has an explicit expression in the Java language: an interface declaration and the possibility of its implementation by some class.

To demonstrate the “implementation” relationship, create the “Unit” interface. If we imagine that an organization can be divided not only into departments, but, for example, into workshops, branches, etc. The “Unit” interface is the most abstract unit of division. In each unit of division, a certain number of employees work, therefore the method for obtaining the number of working people will be relevant for each class implementing the “Unit” interface.

  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 8 - Implementation

Interface "Unit":

 public interface Unit{ int getPersonCount(); } 

Implementation in the class "Department":
 public class Department implements Unit{ ... public int getPersonCount(){ return getEmployees().size(); } 

 System.out.println("В отделе "+sysEngineer.getDepartment().getName()+" работает " +sysEngineer.getDepartment().getPersonCount()+" человек."); 

As you can see, the implementation of the getPersonCount method is not quite relevant for the Department class, since it has the getEmployees method, which returns
collection of objects "Employee".

Complete code:


The UML modeling language has a set of relationships for building a class model, but even a developed OOP language like Java has only two explicit constructs to reflect relationships: extends (extension) and interface / implements (implementation).
As a result of the simulation we obtained the following diagram:

  Class relationships in UML
Fig. 8 - class diagram

Mini reference book on designations that are used in UML class diagrams for relationships between different classes.

Denoted by arrows.

Relationships at the grade level.

Generalization. Inheritance.

  Class relationships in UML
The most common inheritance: class A extends B {}

Implementation. Implementation

  Class relationships in UML
Interface implementation: class A implements I {}

Object Level Relationships

Association. Association.

  Class relationships in UML
Family relationship between class objects. "Student" - "Teacher", "Buyer" - "Seller", etc. It may be indicated without an arrow at all.
Aggregation and Composition - association subtypes.

Aggregation. Aggregation.

  Class relationships in UML
Association subtype. For example, one class contains (aggregates) objects of another class.

Composition. Composition.

  Class relationships in UML
It looks like an aggregation only a stronger connection. Therefore, a filled diamond. For example: if a composer is destroyed, then his class objects to which he refers also cease to exist.

Just an attitude

Dependency. Addiction.

  Class relationships in UML

Classes "in some way" depend on each other. For example, if one class has methods, constructors, or fields, and therefore another class has to be rewritten, then they are dependent. One of the weakest links. For example, objects of one class are passed as a parameter to methods of another class, etc.

useful links

  1. Article on wikipedia. I recommend reading the same article on the English wikipedia.
  2. UML official site. Specification, etc.
  3. - as a whole on UML

1) G. Butch, D. Rambo, A. Jacobson. UML Language User Guide.

2) A.V. Leonenkov. UML Tutorial

3) Ekkel B. Philosophy of Java. Library programmer. - SPb: Peter, 2001. - 880 p.

4) S. Orlov. Software Development Technologies: Tutorial. - SPb: Peter, 2002. - 464 p.

5) Mukhortov VV, Rylov V.Yu. Object-oriented programming, analysis and design. Toolkit. - Novosibirsk, 2002.

6) Anand Ganesan. Modeling Class Relationships in UML


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Object oriented programming

Terms: Object oriented programming