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A selection of projects from the field of study of enhanced creativity, computer art and creative systems


Before you a selection of projects from the field of study of enhanced creativity, computer creativity and creative systems. Our goal is to provide a visual context and show the development of these areas over time.

1 Device interaction with a computer and input information (1968)

2 Mouse - mass data entry device (1982)

3 Touch screen - input device (1982)

4 Managing voice in the mass market (2011)

5 Points of virtual reality in the mass market (2016)

Sketchpad — a computer-aided design system (1963)

Autocad - a tool for automated design in the mass market (1982)

Maya — 3D mass-market computer-aided design tool (1998)

4 Generative bike, created using a 3D printer (2015)

5 Generative dress created using a 3D printer (2016)

1 Tetris - Procedural Game (1984)

2 Simcity - simulation of complex systems (1989)

3 Spore — Procedural generation of game characters (2008)

4 Minecraft — Procedural 3D World (2011)

5 No Man's Sky— Simulation of the Universe (2016)

1 Hypercubes - Computer Graphics / Animation (1968)

2 Fractals — The Difficulty of Simple Rules (1980)

3 Mandelbulb — 3D Fractals (2009)

4 DeepDream — Generative Pictures (2015)

5 NeuralPatch — Generative Transfer of Style (2016)


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machine art

Terms: machine art