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Ways of manipulating people through the media


1. Distraction.

The main element of society management is distracting people from important issues and decisions made by political and economic ruling circles through
constant saturation of the information space unimportant messages. Receiving a distraction attention is essential to not give citizens the opportunity to gain important knowledge in fields of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. “To constantly distract the attention of citizens from real
social issues, switching it to topics not having real value. Achieve that citizens were constantly busy with something and they did not there was time for reflection; from the field - to the pen, like all other animals (quote from the book "Silent weapons for calm wars ”).

2. Create problems and then suggest ways solutions.

This method is also called problem-reaction-decision". It creates a problem, a kind of "situation", calculated to cause a certain reaction among the population so that it itself necessitated the adoption of measures that are necessary governing circles. For example, to allow unwinding spirals of violence in cities or organize bloody terrorist attacks in order for citizens to demand enacting laws to strengthen security measures and policies that infringe on civil of freedom.
Or: cause an economic crisis to force accept as a necessary evil violation of social rights and curtailment of urban services.

3. The method of gradual application.

To achieve the adoption of any unpopular measures, it is enough to introduce it gradually, day after day, year after year. In this way were imposed fundamentally new social economic conditions (neoliberalism) in the 80s and 90s years of the last century. Minimizing the functions of the state, privatization, uncertainty, instability, mass
unemployment wage which is no longer provides a decent life. If all this happened at the same time, it would certainly lead to revolution.

4. Delayed execution.

Another way to push an unpopular decision. is to present it as "Painful and necessary" and to achieve in this the moment of consent of citizens to its implementation in
the future. It’s much easier to agree on any sacrifices in the future than in the present. First, because it will not happen immediately. Secondly, because the people for the most part always inclined to cherish naive hopes that "tomorrow everything will change for the better ”and that those sacrifices that require it, will be avoided. It provides citizens have more time to get used to with the thought of change and humbly accept them when time will come.

5. Address the people as small children.

In most advocacy speeches, intended for the general public, such arguments, characters, words and intonation, as if speech talking about school children with a delay in development or mentally disabled individuals. The harder someone trying to mislead the listener, the more he tries use infantile speech momentum. Why?
"If someone refers to a person as if he were 12 years or less, by virtue of suggestibility, in response or the reaction of this person with a certain degree
probabilities will also be absent critical assessment that is typical for children aged 12 or less years.

6. To focus on emotions to a much greater extent

than on reflection. Impact on emotions is a classic trick to block the ability of people to rational analysis, and in the end, and in general to the ability of the critical
comprehending what is happening. On the other hand, use of the emotional factor allows open the door to the subconscious in order to to introduce there thoughts, desires, fears, fears, coercive or sustainable behaviors ...

7. Keep people in ignorance, cultivating mediocre.

Make people unable to understand the techniques and methods used in order to control and subjugate them. "The quality of education provided by the lower
social classes should be as much as possible meager and mediocre so that ignorance separating the lower social classes from the upper ones
remained at a level that could not be overcome lower classes.

8. Encourage citizens to admire mediocrity.

Introduce into the population the idea that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and ill-mannered ...

9. Strengthen your own guilt.

To make a person believe that only he guilty of his own misfortunes that occur due to lack of mental abilities ability or effort involved. As a result instead of rebel against economic system, a person begins to engage self-deprecating, blaming himself all over that causes depressed resulting in other things, to inaction. And without action about any revolution and speech can not be!

10. Know about people more than they know about themselves.

Over the past 50 years, progress in the development of science led to an ever-widening gap between the knowledge of ordinary people and information
possessed and enjoyed by the dominant classes. Thanks to biology, neuroscience and applied psychology, the “system” got at its disposal advanced knowledge of man, as in the field of physiology, and psyche. The system managed to learn about the usual man more than he knows about himself. It means, that in most cases the system has more power and manages people more than they themselves.

Ways of manipulating people through the media


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