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8.1. The history of the creation of the language.


The first version of the C language was developed in 1972 by Bell Laboratories employee Denis Ritchie. At this time, he and Ken Thombson were developing the UNIX operating system. The language was based on the language B. The purpose of the creation was: the creation of a tool for practicing programmers. Based on the C language, C +, C ++ and Java were further developed. In 2000, the international organization for standardization (ISO) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) adopted the standard under the name Si99.
C language has a high degree of portability. This means that programs written in C for one OS can easily be adapted for another OS. Currently C compiles for about 40 OS.
To emphasize the advantages of the C language, one can say that many compilers and interpreters of other programming languages ​​(Fortran, APL, Pascal, LISP, Basic) are written in C language.
Programs written in C language are used to solve physical and engineering problems, as well as to create animated special effects in movies. For example, for this purpose, C was used in the films "Gladiator" and "Star Wars".
If we compare the C language with the Pascal language, we can conclude that C gives more freedom to the actions of the programmer. On the other hand, C allows you to make mistakes that are impossible to make in Pascal.


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Algorithmization and programming. Structural programming. C language

Terms: Algorithmization and programming. Structural programming. C language