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The development of ideas bionics


The struggle for existence and evolutionary development in this struggle, by developing means of adapting to changing external conditions, is the most relevant slogan for the entire phenomenal human world at this stage (especially in Russia). It seems to us necessary to extract from Nature the knowledge of how She accomplished such tasks. The metaphor of the evolving organism is the best for Her.

It seems to us impossible to achieve the necessary results by simply copying the structures and organizations of the living world (for example, creating neural systems by formally transferring external properties to another carrier). We call this approach - substantive - and criticize it.

The approach of functional similarity is most acceptable. When we consider the similarity of tasks and the mechanisms for solving them by creating specialized means that in information systems may differ significantly from living systems.

It can be noted that the associative similarity brings its results: Spider (spider, custom shell metaphor), Web (network organization of data processing and storage), Termite (freely configurable contextual search), Beehive (Object metaphor), Honeycomb (technological designer metaphor ), - all these concepts help to think and work better in specific tasks.

One of the main areas of work with Active Information Systems is the creation of integrated systems that work out all (or most) tasks of technological support of the Object's activities. At the same time, there is a fundamental opportunity to support not only several alternative (contradictory) models, but also to work out the issues of optimal transition from one model to another according to the specific specific conditions of the Object. Let us consider some particular issues that have been solved satisfactorily for today, and then the most common solutions to those basic tasks that we endured as the main properties of the Object.

Processor scheduling and task setting

The most problematic task for an Object is such a distribution of a resource over time, tasks and the sequence of their realization, at which the maximum benefit is achieved for the existence of an Object. This task is called "planning activities" and with its detailing turns into a real monster. Because the clarification of the tasks of the performers leads to a fractal explosion, and a direct enumeration of all combinations of execution leads to a combinatorial explosion. Modern software does not provide a solution to this problem (an example of this, the most popular TimeLine system, who worked in it, will understand what we are talking about).

Expert Systems

We are far from claiming that the AIS solved the problem of artificial intelligence or similar speculative problems. A detailed familiarization with the problem turned out that it was similar to the problem of a perpetual motion machine - nothing more than a means to arouse creative imagination. But significant results in the field of "intelligent" systems (at the level of formulation and design) were obtained.

So, it turned out that they suffer significant methodological flaws in the recognition system. (If you are interested in this topic, you can provide relevant materials.) Analysis of this topic spawned the formulation of the topic "Models of Perception".

It turned out that the classical approaches to creating expert systems and knowledge bases can be significantly expanded and receive additional funds that transform these systems from “intellectual toys” into applied systems.

Another excellent example of the use of the AIS methodology was the ITEM technological modeling language, which is already widely known to a narrow circle of specialists and allows them to demonstrate their analytical capabilities “live”.


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