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Geographic Information Systems


Currently, one of the most important issues is the problem of creating a method for simulating the use of moving objects on the ground using volumetric electronic maps, which (method) can be easily used in a geographic information modeling complex (GMK) designed to control troops and use spatial data about areas in order to support decision-making and modeling the behavior of forces and equipment in various operational environments.

At the heart of the proposed model for the representation of knowledge (MPZ) on the operational-tactical situation are two concepts: the group conventional sign (GUZ) and the group conventional sign query (GUZ request).

The State Healthcare Organization is understood to be a set of data with the help of which the rules of calculation (definition) and mapping of several logically interconnected conventional signs of the operational situation are described in a formalized form. When formalizing the rules of applying conditional operational symbols to a map that are stored in the GUZ classifier, the structure of its structural elements (single operational symbols), the characteristics of topological relations between them, the list of mandatory semantic characteristics, methods for their definition, etc. are introduced. The representation of the GUZ design is similar to the representation adopted in semantic networks. In the general case, the HLM may also include a HLG, but of a lower level of hierarchy, as a structural element.

Classifier GUZ actually contains the laws used in solving management problems and links with the library of software modules to solve private computational problems. These patterns are formalized in the preparation of the structures of the GME. They describe the standard actions of the decision maker (DM) and special software in developing decisions, organizing information interaction with other workstations, as well as in simulation modeling.

Another important concept of MPZ is the request for health services. The GUZ query (in terms of logical programming, the target statement) is a group conditional symbol for which at least one element, which is mandatory, is not among those specified in the GUZ classifier. With the help of the GUZ query, the decision maker sets the modeling system the situation to be solved. The specific combination of the filled and unfilled elements of the DMS is the formulation of the simulation problem. In general, there can be several such GZU queries.

The solution of the problem of modeling the behavior of forces and means in various conditions of the operational situation begins with the process of planning calculations, based on the data present in the classifier of conventional symbols, which is actually a knowledge base. It is information from KGZ that is, in fact, a logical program, on the basis of which an algorithm of logical inference begins to be applied, while the records of KGZ tables are presented in the form of predicates. An example of such a predicate is one in which the predicate name coincides with the name of the GUS, and the arguments are semantic characteristics.

This algorithm is a development of the algorithms of the logic language “Prolog” taking into account the specifics of the MPZ. It works until all elements of the HM queries are marked.

In the course of inference, situations may arise where alternative solutions to the problem are possible in the knowledge base, dead-end branches of the problem solution, etc. These problems are solved by logic programming techniques (cut-off and return mechanisms).
created: 2014-09-23
updated: 2021-03-13

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