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PHP 5.6 Three Point Functions with a Variable Number of Arguments Using the Syntax ... Deploying Arguments Using ...


Functions with a variable number of arguments using the syntax ...

Functions with a variable number of arguments can now be implemented using the ... operator, instead of relying on func_get_args ().

<? php
function f ($ req, $ opt = null, ... $ params) {
// $ params containing the remaining arguments.
printf ('$ req:% d; $ opt:% d; number of params:% d'. "\ n",
$ req, $ opt, count ($ params));

f (1);
f (1, 2);
f (1, 2, 3);
f (1, 2, 3, 4);
f (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

The result of this example:

 $ req: 1;  $ opt: 0;  number of params: 0
 $ req: 1;  $ opt: 2;  number of params: 0
 $ req: 1;  $ opt: 2;  number of params: 1
 $ req: 1;  $ opt: 2;  number of params: 2
 $ req: 1;  $ opt: 2;  number of params: 3

Deploying Arguments with ...

Arrays and objects implementing the Traversable interface can be expanded into an argument list when passed to a function using the ... operator.

<? php
function add ($ a, $ b, $ c) {
return $ a + $ b + $ c;

$ operators = [2, 3];
echo add (1, ... $ operators);

The result of this example:



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