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Nonod (enneod, heptagride) - electron tube with nine electrodes


Nonod (enneod, heptagride) - electron tube with nine electrodes
An example of the inclusion of nonoda
Nonod (enneod, heptagride) - electron tube with nine electrodes

Nonod ( enneod , heptagride ) is an electron tube with nine electrodes — an anode, cathode, and seven grids.

Such lamps were created for a specific scheme, in order to reduce the number of "cylinders" in the device.

So, one of the nonodes released in the USSR - 6Л1П had a special discontinuous hysteresis anode characteristic and was intended to work as a nonlinear element in high-speed amplitude discriminators, binary storage devices, computational and "key" circuits, limiters.

For normal purposes - radio reception, radio transmission, amplification of signals in such a number of grids there is no need.

Nonoda 6L1P electrodes

  • cathode;
  • first grid;
  • the first accelerator;
  • second grid;
  • second accelerator;
  • third grid;
  • screen;
  • focusing electrode;
  • anode.

Other examples

Even more specific is the domestic nine-electrode "grid-beam" lamp type 6Л2Г, designed for special electronic circuits.

Formally, a nonodode can be considered a “normal” receiving-amplifying lamp EQ-80 (and its 12-volt analogue UQ-80) with triple control and containing tri-control grids separated by three shielding grids (connected together) and one common anti-dinatron grid (Germany, Siemens, 1950) [1] .


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Radio tubes and ion devices

Terms: Radio tubes and ion devices