Psychophysiologist Stefan Laberge tried to solve the problem of remembering what he saw, using the method of apparent dreams - he trained people in the ability to regain consciousness in the middle of sleep.
The first step in mastering this technique is to develop the habit of asking yourself the question “Is this a dream?” At short intervals throughout the day. As soon as this habit takes root, the same question begins to arise at night. And when you finally say yes to him, you can be congratulated. You saw your first apparent dream.
People who are able to see clear dreams quickly learn to control the course of events in them and are able to avoid horrible and disturbing visions. Many talk about the amazing episodes of soaring in the clouds, research of the underwater kingdoms, transformations in animals and other magical tricks of their own free will.
In this way, you can again and again communicate with your favorite heroes of dreams, fight neuroses, resist fears. You can even stop the nightmare in full swing.
Apparently, it is easier for some, and much more difficult for others. Often, you need equipment that can cost from $ 275 to $ 1,000 - for example, such as NovaDreamer. With light and sound signals, this device marks the moment when the learner enters the phase of REM sleep — where dreams are born.
My own experience suggests that even if one succeeds in overcoming these difficulties, the technique of clear dreams in about half of the cases does not bring the desired result. The deep trance of the REM sleep phase opens up to our consciousness deep thoughts and emotions, so distant from our daily worries, that they remain incomprehensible. And although it is always useful to work with your dream, not to mention the fact that this is an exciting activity, still, if you set as a goal the development of creative abilities and the solution of specific tasks, you should supplement the existing arsenal with much more effective methods.
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Experimental psychology
Terms: Experimental psychology