You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

Labor protection when working at a computer



  Appendix 16 Eye Exercises 

Labor protection when working at a computer

Exercises are performed sitting or standing, turned away from the screen with rhythmic breathing, with a maximum amplitude of eye movement.

Option 1.

1. Close the eyes, strongly straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 1 - 4, then open the eyes, relax the muscles of the eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

2. Look at the bridge of the nose and hold the gaze at the expense of 1 - 4. Do not drive the eyes to tiredness. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

Labor protection when working at a computer

3. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the score 1 - 4, then look into the distance directly on the score 1 - 6. The exercises are conducted in the same way, but with fixation of the glance left, up and down. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

4. Move the view quickly diagonally: right up - left down, then straight into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6; then left up right down and look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

Option 2.

1. Close the eyes, without straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 1 - 4, wide open the eyes and look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

2. Look at the tip of the nose at the expense of 1 - 4, and then look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

3. Without turning your head (head straight), do slowly circular movements with your eyes up-right-down-left and in the opposite direction: up-left-down-right. Then look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

4. With a fixed head, transfer the gaze with fixing it to the score 1 - 4 upwards, to the count 1 - 6 straight; then in a similar way down-straight, right-straight, left-straight. Make a movement on the diagonal in one and the other side with the transfer of eyes directly to the account 1 - 6. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

Option 3.

1. Keep your head straight. Blink, without straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 10 - 15.

2. Without turning your head (head straight) with eyes closed, look right at the expense of 1 - 4, then left at the expense of 1 - 4 and straight at the expense of 1 - 6. Raise your eyes up at the expense of 1 - 4, lower down at the expense of 1 - 4 and transfer the view directly to the score 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

3. Look at the index finger, at a distance of 25–30 cm from the eyes, at a score of 1–4, then shift the gaze into the distance at a score of 1–6. Repeat 4–5 times.

4. On average, make 3–4 circular movements to the right side, as much to the left side and, having relaxed the eye muscles, look into the distance at the expense of 1–6. Repeat 1 to 2 times.

State system sanitary sanitary epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation Federal sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards


Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization

Sanitary rules and regulations


State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia




1. General provisions and scope








8.1. General requirements

8.2. Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces with VDT and PC for adult users

8.3. Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces with VDT and PC for students of secondary and higher educational institutions

8.4. Requirements for equipment and organization of rooms with gaming complexes based on PC for children of preschool age


9.1. General requirements for the organization of the regime of work and rest when working with VDT and PC

9.2. Requirements for the organization of the mode of operation with VDT and PC students of higher educational institutions

9.3. Requirements for the organization of the mode of operation with VDT or PC students of secondary specialized educational institutions

9.4. Requirements for the organization of training and extracurricular activities with VDT and PC children of school age and classes with playing complexes based on PC of children of preschool age


Appendix 1 (mandatory) Visual ergonomic parameters of VDT and the limits of their changes

Appendix 2 (reference) Normalized visual parameters of video display terminals

Appendix 3 (mandatory) Permissible values ​​of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation parameters

Appendix 4 (reference) Optimal microclimate standards for rooms with VDT and PC

Appendix 5 (mandatory) Optimum and permissible parameters of temperature and relative humidity of air in rooms with VDT and PC in all educational and preschool institutions

Appendix 6 (mandatory) Levels of ionization of indoor air when working on VDT ​​and PC

Annex 7 (mandatory) Sound levels, equivalent sound levels and sound pressure levels in octave bands

Appendix 8 (obligatory) Sanitary norms of vibration category 3 - technological type "c"

Annex 9 (mandatory) Permissible vibration standards at all workplaces with VDT and PC, including pupils and children of preschool age

Appendix 10 (recommended) Location of workplaces with respect to apertures

Appendix 11 (recommended) Luminaires

Annex 12 (obligatory) Height of a single desk for classes with PC and VDT

Appendix 13 (obligatory) Main dimensions of the chair for pupils and students

Appendix 14 (mandatory) Chair sizes for preschool children for classes with PC or VDT

Appendix 15 (mandatory) Time of regulated breaks depending on the duration of the work shift, type and category of work activity with VDT and PC

Appendix 16 (recommended) COMPLEXES OF EXERCISES FOR EYES


Appendix 18 (recommended) COMPLEXES OF EXERCISES OF PHYSICAL Pauses

Appendix 19 (reference) INFORMATION SHEET


1. Developed by:

  • Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the RAMS (NF Izmerov, V.V. Matyukhin, T.I. Gudkova, Yu.V. Moykin, I.M. Volkova, G.M. Zinenko, K.M. Kopirovsky, N.Yu. Kotlyar, N.V. Lazarenko, M.E. Lanzburg, N.S. Mikhailova, I.V.Nizyayeva, Yu.P. Pal'tsev, L.V. Prokopenko, O.V. Sivochalova, V.G. Suvorov, EFFardakova, OI Yushkova);
  • Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene. F.F. Erisman (E.A. Geltischeva, OI Golikova, Z.A. Volkova, I.I. Dedenko, M.V. Larkina, S.A. Melnikova, T.V. Orlova, G.N. Selekhova, N.E. Fedorova, N.L. Cirkova, M.A. Chernitsyna, T.A. Shabolin);
  • Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene them. A.N. Sysina RAMS (KM Romanovsky, IV Sidorova, Z. A. Skobareva, L. M. Teksheva);
  • Research Institute of Hygiene Prevention of Diseases of Children, Adolescents and Young People (V.I. Belyavskaya, B.Z. Voronova, E.K. Glushkova, Z.I.Sazanyuk, M.I. Stepanova, P.I. Khramtsov, E.A. Elkovskaya);
  • Scientific Center for Social and Industrial Problems of Labor Protection (IG Kovalenko, L.P. Koroleva, D.N. Kryukova, O.Maltseva, E.A. Nikitina);
  • Institute of General and Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education (I.B. Pobert, MV Ryazansky);
  • Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Technical University (V.Ya. Volodarsky, A.N. Mikhailov, I.I. Litvak);
  • State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia (B.G. Lytkin, A.I. Kucherenko).

2. Approved and put into effect by Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia of July 14, 1996 No. 14.

3. Introduced in return: “Temporary sanitary norms and rules for workers of computer centers”, approved by the former Ministry of Health of the USSR of 02.03.88 No. 4559-88; “Temporary sanitary and hygienic rules and rules of the device, equipment, content and mode of operation of personal electronic computers and video display terminals in computer laboratories and display classes of all types of secondary schools” approved by the former USSR Ministry of Health on 26.10.89 No. 5146-89; “Guidelines for the prevention of overwork in university students when working with video terminals”, approved by the former USSR Ministry of Public Health of 05.03.88 No. 4563-88.


State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia

dated July 14, 1996

Number 14


Introduction date from



Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization

Sanitary standards


Hygienic requirements for video display units,
personal computers and organization of work

Sanitary rules and regulations

1. General provisions and scope

1.1. These Sanitary Rules and Regulations (hereinafter - Sanitary Rules) are intended to prevent the adverse effects on humans of harmful factors accompanying the work with video display terminals (hereinafter - VDT) and personal electronic computers (hereinafter - PC) and define sanitary requirements for:

  • design and manufacture of domestic, and operation of domestic and imported VDT on the basis of cathode ray tubes (hereinafter referred to as CRT) used in all types of electronic computers, in production equipment and gaming complexes on the basis of PC;
  • design, manufacture of domestic and domestic and imported VDT and PC;
  • design, construction and reconstruction of premises intended for the operation of all types of computers, PCs, production equipment and gaming systems based on PCs;
  • ensuring safe working conditions for VDT and PC users.

1.2. These Health Regulations and Regulations do not apply to the design, manufacture and operation:

- VDT and PC vehicles;

- VDT and PC computers and equipment moving in the process;

- household TVs and video gaming machines.

1.3. Responsibility for the implementation of these sanitary rules lies with officials, professionals and employees of organizations and institutions, individuals engaged in business activities engaged in the development, production, procurement, sale and use of VDT and PC, production equipment and gaming complexes based on VDT, as well as engaged in design, construction and reconstruction of premises intended for the exploitation of VDT and PC in administrative, educational, public and industrial buildings niyah.

1.4. References to the obligation to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements established by these Sanitary Rules should be included in state standards and other regulatory and technical documents establishing requirements for design, quality, safety, conditions of production and operation of VDT and PC, as well as the organization of technological processes and production with their application.

1.5. It is prohibited to approve regulatory and technical documentation for new VDT and PC, putting them into production, selling and using them under production conditions, training processes and everyday life, as well as their purchase and import into the territory of the Russian Federation without:

- hygienic assessment of their safety for human health;

- coordination of regulatory and technical documentation for these types of these products with the authorities of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia;

- obtaining hygienic certification in accordance with the established requirements;

1.6. In accordance with Articles 9 and 34 of the RSFSR Law on Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare, organizations must carry out production monitoring of compliance with the requirements of sanitary regulations and the implementation of hygienic and preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases of workers using VDT and PC, as well as ensuring normal working conditions, recreation, training and education of people and the fulfillment of hygienic indicators of the quality of products.

1.7. The directors of enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination in order to ensure production control, are obliged to lead the workplaces of VDT and PC users in accordance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

1.8. The state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control over the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, and the departmental sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological profile of the relevant ministries and departments.

1.9. The state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of new (modernized) VDT and FEVMosvestyvlyaetsya at the stages of their development, putting on production, in the process of production, procurement of imports and use in accordance with the "Guidelines for the organization and conduct of state sanitary epidemiological supervision of their products and their production technology" approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia.

2.0. Design documentation for the construction and reconstruction of premises for the operation of VDT and PC should be coordinated with the authorities and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia.

2.1. The commissioning of premises intended for work with VDT and PC should be carried out by the obligatory participation of representatives of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Law of the RSFSR "Osanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."

2.2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the introduction of changes and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Protection of Consumer Rights "and the Code of the RSFSR" Administrative offenses. "

2.3. The law of the Russian Federation "On certification of products and services".

2.4. Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Regulation, approved on June 5, 1994, No. 625.

2.5. The Guidelines "General Requirements for the Construction, Presentation and Execution of Sanitary and Epidemiological Normative and Methodological Documents" dated February 9, 1994 R.1.1.004-94.


3.1. The visual ergonomic parameters of VDT are safety parameters and their wrong choice leads to a deterioration in the health of users.

All VDT must have a hygienic certificate, including, among other things, an assessment of visual parameters.

3.2. The design of the VDT, the design and the combination of ergonomic parameters should ensure reliable and comfortable reading of the displayed information in the operating conditions corresponding to section 5 of these Sanitary Rules.

3.3. The VDT design should provide the possibility of frontal observation of the screen by rotating the body in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis within ± 30 degrees and in a vertical plane around the horizontal axis within ± 30 degrees with fixation in the back position. Design VDT ​​should provide body coloring in a quiet soft tone with diffuse scattering of light. The housing of the VDT and the PC, the keyboard and other blocks and devices of the PC must have a matte surface of the same color with a reflection coefficient of 0.4 - 0.6 and not have brilliant parts that can create reflections. On the front side of the VDT case it is not recommended to locate management bodies, markings, any auxiliary inscriptions and designations. If necessary, the location of the controls on the front panel, they should be closed with a lid or be recessed in the case.

3.4. To ensure reliable reading of information with an appropriate degree of comfort of its perception, optimal and permissible ranges of visual ergonomic parameters should be defined. The visual ergonomic parameters of the VDT and the limits of their changes, in which the optimal and permissible ranges of values ​​are to be established, are given in Appendix 1.

When designing and developing VDT, the combination of visual ergonomic parameters and their values ​​corresponding to the optimal and allowable ranges obtained from tests in specialized laboratories accredited in the established order and confirmed by the relevant protocols must be entered into the technical documentation on VDT.

Note: All previously developed and operating types of domestic and foreign VDT ​​should be tested during the year after approval of these Sanitary Rules.

3.5. When working with VDT:

- for children of preschool and school age, it is necessary to provide the best values ​​of visual parameters in the optimal range, for children of school age it is allowed to work within the optimum range;

- for students and professional users, it is necessary to provide the values ​​of visual parameters within the optimal range, for professional users, short-term work is allowed for acceptable values ​​of visual parameters. The optimal and permissible values ​​of visual, ergonomic parameters should be specified in the technical documentation for VDT for the modes of operation of users specified in section 5 of these Sanitary Rules. In the absence of data on the optimal and permissible ranges of ergonomic parameters in the technical documentation for VDT, the operation of VDT is not allowed.

3.6. The design of VDT should provide for the presence of knobs for adjusting the brightness and contrast, providing the ability to adjust these parameters from minimum to maximum values.

3.7. The technical documentation for VDT should establish requirements for visual parameters (in addition to the parameters listed in Appendix 1), corresponding to the international standards applicable at the time of development or import of GOST and recognized in the Russian Federation.

The list and values ​​of visual parameters are given in Appendix 2.

3.8. In order to ensure the requirements established in clause 3.5, as well as protection from electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, use of screen filters, special screens and other personal protective equipment that have been tested in accredited laboratories and have an appropriate hygienic certificate is allowed.

3.9. Конструкция ВДТ и ПЭВМдолжна обеспечивать мощность экспозиционной дозы рентгеновского излучения в любойточке на расстоянии 0,05 м от экрана и корпуса ВДТ при любых положенияхрегулировочных устройств не должна превышать 7,74´10 А/кг, что соответствуетэквивалентной дозе, равной 0,1 мбэр/час (100 мкР/час).

3.10. Допустимые значенияпараметров неионизирующих электромагнитных излучений приведены в Приложении3.

3.11. Конструкция клавиатурыдолжна предусматривать:

- исполнение в видеотдельного устройства с возможностью свободного перемещения;

- опорное приспособление,позволяющее изменять угол наклона поверхности клавиатуры в пределах от 5 до 15градусов;

- высоту среднего рядаклавиш не более 30 мм;

- расположение частоиспользуемых клавиш в центре, внизу и справа, редко используемых - вверху ислева;

- выделение цветом,размером, формой и местом расположения функциональных групп клавиш;

- минимальный размер клавиш- 13 мм, оптимальный - 15 мм;

- клавиши с углублением вцентре и шагом 19 ± 1 мм;

- расстояние между клавишамине менее 3 мм;

- одинаковый ход для всехклавиш с минимальным сопротивлением нажатию 0,25 Н и максимальным - не более1,5 Н;

- звуковую обратную связь отвключения клавиш с регулировкой уровня звукового сигнала и возможности ееотключения.


4.1. Помещения с ВДТ и ПЭВМдолжны иметь естественное и искусственное освещение.

4.2. Естественное освещениедолжно осуществляться через светопроемы, ориентированные преимущественно насевер и северо-восток и обеспечивать коэффициент естественной освещенности(КЕО) не ниже 1.2 % в зонах с устойчивым снежным покровом и не ниже 1.5 % наостальной территории.

Указанные значения КЕОнормируются для зданий, расположенных в III световом климатическом поясе.

Расчет КЕО для других поясовсветового климата проводится по общепринятой методике согласно СНиП"Естественное и искусственное освещение".

4.3. Расположение рабочихмест с ВДТ и ПЭВМ для взрослых пользователей в подвальных помещениях недопускается. Размещение рабочих мест с ВДТ и ПЭВМ во всех учебных заведениях идошкольных учреждениях не допускается в цокольных и подвальных помещениях.

In cases of production necessity, the operation of VDT and PC in premises without natural illumination can be carried out only in consultation with the authorities and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance.

4.4.The area per workplace with VDT or PC for adult users should be at least 6.0 sq. M. m, and the volume - not less than 20.0 cu. m

4.5.The area per workplace with VDT and PC in all educational and preschool institutions should be not less than 6.0 square meters. m, and the volume of not less than 24.0 cubic meters. m

4.6. When constructing new and reconstructing existing secondary, secondary special and higher educational facilities, the premises for VDT and PC should be designed with a height (less than 4.0 m above the floor).

4.7. При входе в учебноепомещение с ВДТ и ПЭВМ в средних и высших учебных заведениях следуетпредусмотреть встроенные или пристенные шкафы (полки) для хранения портфелей,сумок учащихся и студентов.

4.8. Производственныепомещения, в которых для работы используются преимущественно ВДТ и ПЭВМ(диспетчерские, операторские, расчетные и др.), и учебные помещения (аудиториивычислительной техники, дисплейные классы, кабинеты и др.), не должны граничитьс помещениями, в которых уровни шума и вибрации превышают нормируемые значения(механические цеха, мастерские, гимнастические залы и т.п.).

4.9. Звукоизоляцияограждающих конструкций помещений с ВДТ и ПЭВМ должна отвечать гигиеническимтребованиям и обеспечивать нормируемые параметры шума согласно требованиям раздела 6настоящих Санитарных правил.

4.10.Premises with VDT and PEVM should be equipped with heating, air conditioning or efficient supply and exhaust ventilation. Calculation of air exchange should be carried out on heat losses from cars, people, solar radiation and artificial lighting. The normalized parameters of the microclimate, the ionic composition of the air, the content of harmful substances in it must meet the requirements of section 5 of these Sanitary Rules.

4.11.Study rooms and computers or display audiences (classes) should have an adjacent room - laboratory, with an area of ​​at least 18.0 square meters. m, with two entrances: training room and the landing or in recreation.

4.12.In children's preschool institutions, adjacent to the room where PCs or VDTs are installed, there must be a game room with an area of ​​at least 24 square meters. m

4.13. Для внутренней отделкиинтерьера помещений с ВДТ и ПЭВМ должны использоваться диффузно-отражающиематериалы с коэффициентом отражения для потолка - 0,7-0,8; для стен - 0,5-0,6;для пола 0,3-0,5.

4.14. Полимерные материалы,используемые для внутренней отделки интерьера помещений с ВДТ и ПЭВМ, должныбыть разрешены для применения органами и учреждениями Государственногосанитарно-эпидемиологического надзора.

4.15. В дошкольных и всехучебных учреждениях, включая вузы, запрещается для отделки внутреннегоинтерьера помещений с ВДТ и ПЭВМ применять полимерные материалы(древесностружечные плиты, слоистый бумажный пластик, синтетические ковровыепокрытия, др.), выделяющие в воздух вредные химические вещества.

4.16. The surface of the floor in the premises of operation of VDT and PC should be smooth, without gouges, non-slip, convenient for cleaning and wet cleaning, have antistatic properties.


5.1. In production facilities in which work on the VDT and PC is auxiliary, the temperature, relative humidity and air velocity at the workplace must comply with the current sanitary standards of the microclimate of the production premises (Appendix 4; 19, p. 2.2).

5.2. In production facilities in which work on the VDT and PC is the main (dispatching, operator, settlement, cabs and control posts, computer rooms, etc.), the optimal microclimate parameters should be provided (Appendix 4).

5.3. В помещениях с ВДТ иПЭВМ в дошкольных, средних специальных и высших учебных заведениях должныобеспечиваться оптимальные параметры микроклимата (приложение5).

5.4. Для повышения влажностивоздуха в помещениях с ВДТ и ПЭВМ следует применять увлажнители воздуха,заправляемые ежедневно дистиллированной или прокипяченной питьевой водой.

5.5. Помещения с ВДТ и ПЭВМперед началом и после каждого академического часа учебных занятий, до и послекаждого занятия в дошкольном учреждении должны быть проветрены, чтообеспечивает улучшение качественного состава воздуха, в том числе и аэроионныйрежим.

5.6. Уровни положительных иотрицательных аэроионов в воздухе помещений с ВДТ и ПЭВМ должны соответствоватьнормам, приведенным в приложении 6;19(п. 2.3).

5.7. Содержание вредныххимических веществ в воздухе производственных помещений, в которых работа наВДТ и ПЭВМ является вспомогательной, не должно превышать "Предельнодопустимых концентраций вредных веществ в воздухе рабочей зоны" (приложение19, п. 2.4).

5.8. Содержание вредныххимических веществ в производственных помещениях, работа на ВДТ и ПЭВМ вкоторых является основной (диспетчерские, операторские, расчетные, кабины ипосты управления, залы вычислительной техники и др.), не должно превышать"Предельно допустимых концентраций загрязняющих веществ в атмосферномвоздухе населенных мест" (приложение 19, п.2.5).

5.9. Содержание вредныххимических веществ в воздухе помещений использования ВДТ и ПЭВМ в дошкольных ивсех учебных заведениях, включая вузы, не должно превышать среднесуточныхконцентраций для атмосферного воздуха.

5.10. Запрещается проводитьремонт ВДТ и ПЭВМ непосредственно в рабочих, учебных и дошкольных помещениях.


6.1. В производственныхпомещениях, в которых работа на ВДТ и ПЭВМ является вспомогательной, уровнишума на рабочих местах не должны превышать значений, установленных для данныхвидов работ "Санитарными нормами допустимых уровней шума на рабочихместах" (приложение 19, п.2.6).

6.2. При выполнении основнойработы на ВДТ и ПЭВМ (диспетчерские, операторские, расчетные кабины и постыуправления, залы вычислительной техники и др.), во всех учебных и дошкольныхпомещениях с ВДТ и ПЭВМ уровень шума на рабочем месте не должен превышать 50 дБА(приложение19, п. 2.7).

В помещениях, где работаютинженерно-технические работники, осуществляющие лабораторный, аналитический илиизмерительный контроль, уровень шума не должен превышать 60 дБА.

В помещениях операторов ЭВМ(без дисплеев) уровень шума не должен превышать 65 дБА.

На рабочих местах впомещениях для размещения шумных агрегатов вычислительных машин (АЦПУ, принтерыи т.п.) уровень шума не должен превышать 75 дБА (Приложение7).

6.3. При выполнении работ сВДТ и ПЭВМ в производственных помещениях уровень вибрации не должен превышатьдопустимых значений согласно "Санитарным нормам вибрации рабочихмест" (категория 3, тип "в", приложения 8и 19, п. 2.8).

В производственныхпомещениях, в которых работа с ВДТ и ПЭВМ является основной, а также во всехучебных и дошкольных помещениях с ВДТ и ПЭВМ вибрация на рабочих местах недолжна превышать допустимых норм вибрации (приложения 9и 19, п. 2.9).

6.4. Шумящее оборудование(АЦПУ, принтеры и т.п.), уровни шума которого превышают нормированные, должно находитьсявне помещения с ВДТ и ПЭВМ.

6.5. Снизить уровень шума впомещениях с ВДТ и ПЭВМ можно использованием звукопоглощающих материалов смаксимальными коэффициентами звукопоглощения в области частот 63 - 8000 Гц дляотделки помещений (разрешенных органами и учреждениями ГоссанэпиднадзораРоссии), подтвержденных специальными акустическими расчетами.

Дополнительнымзвукопоглощением служат однотонные занавеси из плотной ткани, гармонирующие сокраской стен и подвешенные в складку на расстоянии 15-20 см от ограждения.Ширина занавеси должна быть в 2 раза больше ширины окна.


7.1. Требования кестественному освещению изложены в п. 4.2. Расположение рабочих мест по отношениюк световым проемам приведены в приложении10.

7.2. Искусственное освещениев помещениях эксплуатации ВДТ и ПЭВМ должно осуществляться системой общегоравномерного освещения. В производственных и административно-общественныхпомещениях, в случаях преимущественной работы с документами, допускаетсяприменение системы комбинированного освещения (к общему освещению дополнительноустанавливаются светильники местного освещения, предназначенные для освещениязоны расположения документов).

7.3. Освещенность наповерхности стола в зоне размещения рабочего документа должна быть 300-500 лк.Допускается установка светильников местного освещения для подсветки документов.Местное освещение не должно создавать бликов на поверхности экрана иувеличивать освещенность экрана более 300 лк.

7.4. Следует ограничиватьпрямую блесткость от источников освещения, при этом яркость светящихся поверхностей(окна, светильники и др.), находящихся в поле зрения, должна быть не более 200кд/ кв. м.

7.5. Следует ограничиватьотраженную блесткость на рабочих поверхностях (экран, стол, клавиатура и др.)за счет правильного выбора типов светильников и расположения рабочих мест поотношению к источникам естественного и искусственного освещения, при этомяркость бликов на экране ВДТ и ПЭВМ не должна превышать 40 кд/кв. м и яркостьпотолка, при применении системы отраженного освещения, не должна превышать 200кд/кв. м.

7.6. Показательослепленности для источников общего искусственного освещения в производственныхпомещениях должен быть не более 20, показатель дискомфорта вадминистративно-общественных помещениях не более 40, в дошкольных н учебныхпомещениях не более 25.

7.7. Следует ограничиватьнеравномерность распределения яркости в поле зрения пользователя ВДТ и ПЭВМ,при этом соотношение яркости между рабочими поверхностями не должно превышать3:1 - 5:1, а между рабочими поверхностями и поверхностями стен и оборудования10:1.

7.8. В качестве источниковсвета при искусственном освещении должны применяться преимущественнолюминесцентные лампы типа ЛБ. При устройстве отраженного освещения впроизводственных и административно-общественных помещениях допускается применениеметаллогалогенных ламп мощностью до 250 Вт. Допускается применение лампнакаливания в светильниках местного освещения.

7.9. General illumination should be performed in the form of continuous or intermittent lines of luminaires located to the side of workplaces, parallel to the line of view of the user with the line position of VDT and PC. When the computers are located at the perimeter location, luminaires should be located localized above the working table closer to the front edge facing the operator.

7.10. For lighting premises with VDT and PC, use the LPO36 series with mirror-mounted grilles, equipped with high-frequency regulating devices (HF ballasts). It is allowed to use lamps of the LPO36 series without HF PRA only in the Kososvet modification, as well as lamps of direct light P, mainly direct light - N, mostly reflected light - B (Appendix 11). The use of luminaires without diffusers and shielding gratings is not allowed.

7.11. The brightness of luminaires of general illumination in the zone of radiation angles from 50 to 90 degrees with the vertical in the longitudinal and transverse planes should be no more than 200 cd / sq. m, the protective angle of the fixtures should be at least 40 degrees.

7.12. Lamps for local lighting should have a non-transparent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees.

7.13. The factor of safety (Кз) for lighting installations of general lighting shall be taken equal to 1.4.

7.14. The coefficient of pulsacin should exceed 5%, which should be ensured by the use of gas-discharge lamps in lamps of general and local illumination with high-frequency regulating devices (HF PRA) for any types of lamps. In the absence of luminaires with HF ballasts, multi-lamp luminaires or adjacent general lighting luminaires should be switched to different three-phase networks.

7.15. To ensure the normalized values ​​of illumination in the premises of the use of VDT and PC, it is necessary to clean windows of windows and lamps at least twice a year and conduct timely replacement of burnt out lamps.



8.1.1. Workplaces with VDT iPEVM in relation to the light apertures should be located so that the natural light falls from the side, mostly on the left (Appendix 10).

8.1.2. Layout of working places with VDT and PC should take into account the distance between the desktops with video monitors (in the direction of the rear of the surface of one video monitor and the screen of the other video monitor), which must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the double-sided surfaces of video monitors - not less than 1.2 m.

8.1.3. Workplaces with VDT iPEVM in the halls of electronic computers or in rooms with sources of harmful production factors should be placed in isolated cabins with organized air exchange.

8.1.4. Window openings in the premises of the use of VDT and PC should be equipped with adjustable devices such as: blinds, curtains (Section 6.5), external visors, etc.

8.1.5. Workplaces with VDT iPEVM when performing creative work, requiring significant mental stress or high concentration of attention, should be isolated from each other by partitions 1.5-2.0 m high.

8.1.6. Cabinets, safes, racks for storing disks, floppy disks, component parts, spare blocks VDT and PC, tools, should be placed in utility rooms, for educational institutions in laboratory.

In the absence of ancillary premises or laboratory assistants, it is allowed to place cabinets, safes and shelves in the premises of direct use of VDT and PC, subject to the requirements of the floor space and the requirements outlined in this section.

8.1.7. In the back rooms or laboratory rooms, a work table and a radio assembly table should be placed, equipped with a local suction on a telescopic air duct with a swivel connection, which allows the air inlet to be installed in the desired position, with a descent speed of 5-6 m / s in the suction plane.

8.1.8. When designing equipment and organizing the workplace of a user of VDT and PC, it is necessary to ensure that the design of all elements of the workplace and their reciprocal arrangement correspond to ergonomic requirements, taking into account the nature of the activity performed by the user, the complexity of the technical means, the form of labor organization and the user's main working position.

8.1.9. The design of the worktable should ensure optimal placement of the equipment used on the working surface, taking into account its quantity and structural features (size of VDT and PC, keyboard, music stand, etc.), and the work to be done. At the same time it is allowed to use desktops of various structures that meet modern requirements of ergonomics.

8.1.10. The design of the working chair (chair) should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture while working on the VDT and PC, allow changing the posture in order to reduce the static stress of the muscles of the neck and shoulder area and back to prevent the development of fatigue.

The type of working chair (chair) should be selected depending on the nature and duration of work with VDT iPEVM taking into account the growth of the user.

8.1.11. The working chair (chair) should be liftable and adjustable in height and angle of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter should be independent, easy to implement and have a secure fit.

8.1.12. The surface of the seat, backrest and other elements of the chair (chair) should be semi-soft, with non-slip, non-electrostatic and breathable coating that provides easy cleaning from dirt.

8.1.13. The video monitor screen should be from the user's eyes at an optimal distance of 600-700 mm, but not closer than 500 mm, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

8.1.14. In rooms with VDT iPEVM daily wet cleaning should be carried out.

8.1.15. Premises with VDT iPEVM should be equipped with a first-aid kit and carbon dioxide suppressors.


8.2.1. The height of the working surface of the table for adult users should be regulated within 680-800 mm; in the absence of such a possibility, the height of the working surface should be 725 mm.

8.2.2. The modular dimensions of the working surface of the table for VDT and PC, on the basis of which the design dimensions should be calculated, should be considered: a width of 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 mm, a depth of 800 and 1000 mm with an unregulated height of 725 mm.

8.2.3. The desktop should have legroom not less than 600 mm high, not less than 500 mm wide, not less than 450 mm deep at the level of the knees, and not less than 650 mm at the level of elongated legs.

8.2.4. The working chair (chair) should be liftable and adjustable in height and angle of inclination of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat.

Its design must provide:

- the width and depth of the seat is at least 400 mm;

- the surface of the seat with a rounded front edge;

- adjustment of the height of the seat in the range of 400-550 mm and forward tilt angles up to 15 degrees. inazad to 5 degrees;

- the height of the reference surface 300 plus or minus 20 mm, width - not less than 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane - 400 mm;

- the angle of inclination of the back in the vertical plane within 0 ± 30 degrees;

- adjustment of the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat in the range of 260-400 mm;

- stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50-70 mm;

- adjustment of the armrests at a height above the seat within 230 ± 30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350-500 mm.

8.2.5. The workplace should be equipped with a footrest, having a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of not less than 400 mm, height adjustment in the range of up to 150 mm and the angle of inclination of the support surface of the stand to 20 degrees. The surface of the stand must be grooved and have a front edge with a height of 10 mm.

8.2.6. The workplace with VDT iPEVM should be equipped with an easily movable desk for documents.

8.2.7. When organizing workplaces to work on technological equipment, which include VDT or PC (machine tools with software control, robotized technology complexes, flexible automated production, dispatcher control panels, etc.), it should be provided:

- the depth of the space is not less than 850 mm, taking into account the protruding parts of the equipment for finding a human operator;

- space for stop depth and height not less than 150 mm and width not less than 530 mm;

- the location of input / output devices, providing optimal visibility of the screen;

- easy reach of manual controls in the area of ​​the motor field: height - 900-1300 mm, depth - 400-500 mm;

- location of the VDTili PC screen in the working area, providing convenience of visual observation of the vertical plane at an angle of ± 30 degrees from the operator’s normal view line, as well as convenience of using VDT or PC (input / output of information when adjusting the main parameters of the technological process, debugging programs, etc.) simultaneously with the implementation of the main production operations (observation of the treatment area on the machine with programmed control, while servicing the robotic technological complex and ).;

- the ability to rotate the screen VDT ​​or PC around the horizontal and vertical axes.

8.2.8. The keyboard should be placed on the surface of the table at a distance of 100-300 mm from the edge facing the user or on a special, height-adjustable working surface separated from the main tabletop.


8.3.1. Rooms for training in the use of PC and VDT in secondary and higher educational institutions should be equipped with single tables designed for work on PC and VDT.

8.3.2. The desk of the instructor with a personal computer or a PC and two stand-ups for placing a grafoprojector and printer should be installed on the podium.

8.3.3. Color Demonstration TV (61 cm diagonal screen) should be located in the classrooms to the left of the overhead screen or computer blackboard and mounted on a bracket at a height of 1.5 m from the floor, while the distance from the screen to student workplaces must be at least 3.0 m.

8.3.4. The design of a single table for working with PC and VDT should include:

- two separate surfaces: one horizontal to accommodate a PC or VDT with continuously adjustable height in the range of 520-760 mm and the second for the keyboard with a fused height adjustment and a tilt angle from 0 to 15 degrees with reliable fixation in the optimal working position (12-15 degrees) that helps to maintain the correct working posture of students and students, without a sharp head tilt forward;

- the width of surfaces for PC, VDT and keyboard is at least 750 mm (the width of both surfaces must be equal) and a depth of at least 550 mm;

- support surfaces for PC or VDT and for the keyboard on the riser, which should be the power supply wires and local network cable. The base of the riser should be combined with a leg holder;

- lack of boxes;

- an increase in the width of surfaces up to 1200 mm when the workplace is equipped with a printer.

8.3.5. The height of the edge of the table facing the person working with a PC and VDT, and the height of the leg room must correspond to the height of the pupils or students in shoes (Appendix 12).

8.3.6. In the presence of a high table and a chair that is inconsistent with the height of the students or students, it is necessary to use a height-adjustable footrest (see section 8.2.2).

8.3.7. Eye level vertically located screen VDT ​​should fall on the center or 2/3 of the height of the screen. The line of sight should be perpendicular to the center of the screen and its optimum deviation from the perpendicular passing through the center of the screen in the vertical plane should not exceed plus or minus 5 degrees, the allowable ± 10 degrees.

8.3.8. A workplace with a PC VDT should be equipped with a chair, the main dimensions of which should correspond to the height of students or students in shoes (Appendix 13).


8.4.1. The premises, where gambling complexes are established, should be equipped with single tables.

8.4.2. The construction of a single table with gaming complexes should consist of two parts or tables connected together: on one surface of the table is a video monitor, on the other a keyboard. In addition, the design of the table for PC or VDT should include:

- smooth and easy adjustment in height with reliable fixation of the horizontal surface for a video monitor within 460-520 mm with a depth of at least 550 mm and a width of not less than 600 mm;

- the possibility of a smooth and easy change of the angle of inclination of the surface for the keyboard from 0 to 10 degrees. reliable fixation;

- the width and depth of the surface under the keyboard must be at least 600 mm;

- even without depressions surface of the table for the keyboard;

- lack of boxes;

- foot space with a sub-table above the floor of at least 400 mm.

The width is determined by the design of the table.

8.4.3. Each table with PEVMili VDT should be equipped with a chair, the dimensions of which are given in Appendix 14.

8.4.4. The surface of the seat should be easy to disinfect.

8.4.5. The use of cubes, stools, benches without support for the back is not allowed.



9.1.1. Labor and rest regimes when working with a PC and VDT should be organized depending on the type of category of work.

9.1.2. Types of labor activity are divided into 3 groups: group A - work on reading information from a VDT screen or PC with a preliminary request; Group B - working on entering information; Group B - creative work in the mode of dialogue with the computer. During the work shift, work related to different types of work activities for the main work with PC and VDT should be taken that takes at least 50% of the time during a work shift or working day.

9.1.3. For the types of labor activity, there are 3 categories of severity and intensity of work with VDT and a computer (Appendix 15), which are defined: for group A - by the total number of readable signs per work shift, but not more than 60,000 characters per shift; for group B - by the total number of characters read or entered for a work shift, but not more than 40 000 characters per shift; for group B - according to the total time of direct work with VDT and PC per shift, but not more than 6 hours per shift.

9.1.4. For teachers of higher and secondary special educational institutions, teachers of general education schools, the duration of work in display classes and cabinets of informatics and computing equipment is not more than 4 hours per day.

9.1.5. For engineers serving the learning process in classrooms (auditoriums) with VDT and PC, the duration of work should not exceed 6 hours per day.

9.1.6. The duration of the lunch break is determined by the current labor legislation and the Rules of internal labor regulations of the enterprise (organization, institution).

9.1.7. To ensure optimal performance and health of professional users, prescribed breaks should be established throughout the work shift.

9.1.8. Time-regulated breaks during a work shift should be established depending on its duration, type and category of work activity (Appendix 15).

9.1.9. The duration

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Часть 1 Labor protection when working at a computer
Часть 3 Appendix 14 (mandatory) - Labor protection when working at a

created: 2014-10-08
updated: 2024-11-12

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