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Foreword Cognitive psychology


Since ancient times, philosophers singled out two beginnings in the soul: knowing, rational, and emotional.
national, experiencing. For two and a half millennia of development of psychological
ideals inside philosophy, thinkers turned to one or another of these
Since the end of the XJX century, psychology has taken shape as an independent experimental
discipline. In the experimental period, our knowledge of the psyche repeatedly enlarges
Saw and clarified. The discipline that studies the first, the knowing principle,
Today is called cognitive psychology. As a person sees, hears, perceives that
remembers what he pays attention to, how he thinks and makes decisions - all this is
met cognitive psychology. This is the book that you hold in your hands.
It has long been known about the soul that it is inseparable. Therefore, cognitive processes
sy, as the reader of this book sees, cannot be separated from the affective, and sooner or later
the study of human cognition is intertwined with the analysis of the emotional sphere.
The phrase "cognitive psychology" has another meaning: it means
an approach that, having arisen about 40 years ago in the USA and the UK, produced in
the psychology of these countries is a genuine revolution and determined the face of modern psychology
Gothic science.
The main feature of the cognitive approach is the mechanisms for processing knowledge
wolfe as the central link of the human psyche. This approach is a child of information.
the era of mankind. He understands the human psyche as the center of the sphere of circulation.
information. Computers, Internet, mass information - all these phenomena in the framework of
Kah cognitive psychology are put in one circle of concepts with the human psyche.
Cognitive approach means the introduction of accuracy in the psychology. He led to
development of mathematical methods and computer modeling. Today's psycho
Logia, exploring the soul, something that seems ephemeral and inaccurate, achieves a large
certainty of their models and interpretations. In this progress, the merit of cognition
tive approach.
The cognitive approach goes beyond the field of cognitive psychology and
branches such as social psychology, psychology of personality and emotions, etc.
So, for social psychology, a cognitive approach means understanding social
human behavior as defined by a person’s knowledge of the world and ways to
knowledge of this knowledge. At the same time in the field of cognitive psychology, that is, psychology
cognitive processes, develops not only the actual cognitive approach, but also
others - for example, structuralist.
This book is devoted to cognitive psychology as a field of cognitive psychology.
body processes. To a large extent, the works described in the book represent
and cognitive approach, however, other approaches are considered.
The cognitive approach has many critics who believe that it simplifies many
problems, loses the specifics of the human psyche in relation to the processing systems
information. Yet this approach has demonstrated an amazing dynamic.
and the ability to evolve over the years. Many researchers, speaking of the
to the recent tivism, the term “postcognitivism” is preferred.
The book is written in the advanced textbook genre. It contains a wide range of familiar
from the basic concepts to the complex and controversial issues of the leading edge of science.
It can be used during the course of psychology! and on non-psychological
cialisations. However, its main purpose is for those who want to do psychology.
their profession, master modern achievements in this field. The book can be used
use when teaching a whole series of university courses: perceptions, attention
understanding, memory, thinking, individual differences, age psychologists. Some
chapters cover semester courses.
Others make up a substantial part of them.
When writing a book, the authors relied on several principles.
One of them is the emphasis on contemporary work. The authors sought to prevent that.
the lag of educational texts from the leading edge of science, which often characterizes the
living affairs. It is not easy to thoroughly study everything that is discussed in this book, but whoever
do this, acquire a thorough knowledge of modern psychology. A.T. Tvardovsky
once said to a young playwright: “If you focus on Shakespeare
ra, of you get at least Korneychuk, and if you focus on Korneychuk, then his
you will not leave. The higher the bar, the better the result.
Another principle is the balance between the reflection of Russian and foreign works. Bezus-
Russian psychology is a part of world science. According to the number of cognitive
psychologists, and even more so in recent years funding Russia
ping with such a powerful psychological state, such as the USA. However
Russia has its own tradition of research and cognitive processes. Under the influence of
historical conditions that we had in Soviet times and meant for the
They are obligatory to follow the ideology of Marxism with

created: 2019-06-06
updated: 2021-03-13

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Cognitive psychology

Terms: Cognitive psychology