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Artificial Intelligence Films



Automatic / Automatic (1994)
RobGen, a powerful corporation, is preparing an aggressive advertising campaign for its latest invention, a cyborg: a security guard and an assistant, called Automation, and expects huge revenues from its sale. But the day before the presentation, the Automatics prototype, J269, protecting the secretary Nora, which one of the directors of the corporation is trying to rape, accidentally kills the rapist.
The head of RobGen sends a commando platoon to the company building with the task of destroying both Avtomatika and Nora in order to conceal the fact endangering corporate profits and the results of many years of work.
But the combat abilities of the Automatics and the cleverness of the Nora make them truly “tough nuts” for the team of murderers. And finding that they were trapped, Nora and Avtomatik make a frightening discovery - it turns out that they have much more in common than they could have imagined.
Android / Android (1982)
2036 In a remote science space station, a fanatical scientist, Dr. Daniel, designed a robot named Max-404. At the station there are no other representatives of the human race, so the robot has never seen other living beings, except its creator. Max-404 is engaged in studying life on Earth in the twentieth century with the help of records and books. He really wants to fly to the home planet of Dr. Daniel, but this is impossible. The fact is that there was a riot of robots long ago, after which they were banned and expelled from Earth. Meanwhile, a small group of criminals escaping from the Earth makes a stop at the station. Max-404 is very surprised by the behavior of the newcomers. He spies on how they watch pornographic films and make love. He likes the young woman Maggie who has flown in with the criminals. Max-404 learns that Dr. Daniel is trying to construct a more advanced female android Cassandra and replace them with the outdated Max-404. He cherishes the dream of becoming the ruler of the galaxy ...
American Cyborg: Steel Warrior / American Cyborg: Steel Warrior (1993)
17 years after a nuclear war, all the people who survived became prisoners of a computerized SYSTEM endowed with artificial intelligence. Unable to continue the race, people were doomed to slow extinction under the watchful eye of the servants of the SYSTEM - cyborgs.
A rebel group is sending the only healthy woman to the port in order to ship her to Europe, trying to recreate human life there. But the way from the center of a city teeming with gangs of radioactive cannibals, hysterical semi-prostitutes and cyborgs to the port is too difficult - the only hope for rebirth.
Army Machines / APEX (1994)
The near future. The military forces financing the project “Time Travel” send a mechanical robot 100 years ago to change the course of history. But traces of the messenger are lost in time intervals. Without waiting for the return signal, the ingenious creator of the time machine, the scientist is a physicist, himself goes into the past ...


Computer Network Runaways / Virtual Combat / Grid Runners (1995)
Near future. Las Vegas has become the largest virtual reality arcade, replete with "forbidden games." David Quarie is the best border patrol officer for the Las Vegas computer network.
He pursues the most dangerous criminals. When the villain of the computer game Dante breaks free, Quori gets in his way. He must at all costs prevent Dante, who plans to free an entire army of the most terrible villains of virtual reality.
Blade Runner (1982)
The retired detective Rick Deckard is again reinstated by the Los Angeles Police to search for a group of cyborgs led by Roy Batty, who escaped from the space colony to Earth.
The police believe that cyborgs are trying to meet with Endol Tyrell, the head of a corporation that is experimenting with cybernetic intelligence. Rick Deckard is tasked with finding out the motives for cyborg actions and then destroying them.
Hit and burn / Crush and burn / Crash and burn (1990)
An android sent by a powerful corporation penetrates the rebel television station ...
Inhuman / Inhumanoid (1996)
A family of three travels in space. On the way, they meet an abandoned spacecraft. They find on board the only survivor who is in a state of shock. However, when the father of the family goes to inspect the ship, he finds all the *** of the dead. Suddenly rescued captures the ship of his rescuers and begins to terrorize them. It turns out that he is an emotionally unstable android programmed to kill ...
Blinky / Bad Robot / Blinky ™ / Bad Robot (2011)
An assistant robot will appear in every home soon. Do not worry, your children are completely safe.
Battle Tower / Gunhead: War of the Robots / Gunhed / Ganheddo (1989)
In 2038, a scavenger group enters the Kyron-5 complex in search of the precious Texmexium substance. They all perish, except for the Brooklyn mechanic. He meets a wandering Texas Ari Ranger and two children. To save themselves and humanity from the wrath of Kyron-5, they must destroy it. Brooklyn finds GUNHED (Gun UNit Heavy Elimination Device), a combat robot, and restores it. Meanwhile, Babe is being transformed into a bio-droid and is looking for Sergeant Nim and Texmexium, which she stole. To save her and destroy Kyron-5, Brooklyn must deal with his fear of cockpits and fly GUNHED to the top of the tower. Along the way, he encounters complex defense systems.
Battle Robots / Robo Warriors (1996)
As a result of the devastating interplanetary war, the Earth and neighboring planets were almost destroyed. Powerful winners, warriors - Teradax rule on Earth. Only Gibson, the greatest robot warrior, is able to resist the instrument of the death of robots, to the horror of Goliath.
The latest electronic systems. weapons, costumes and great special effects will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated viewer.


See everything! / Eyebills / Eyeborgs (2009)
For an effective fight against terrorism, the US government is developing an unprecedented plan: floods the streets of cities with thousands of video camera robots called "ayborgs." Integrated into a single network, they become a powerful tool for tracking all manifestations of suspicious behavior.
In the course of the next investigation, the federal agent Reynolds seriously asks the question: what if the control over such an all-seeing eye fell into the wrong hands? And then Reynolds begins to search for those who actually control the hordes of ayborg.
The Vindicator / Avenger Robot / The Vindicator (1986)
An employee of a company’s special weapons project. He is transformed into a robotic killing machine.
"They thought they took his life ... now he wants theirs. Invincible. Unstoppable. Indestructible. He's out on the street and out of control!"
Virtuosity / Virtuality / Assassin Virtuoso / Virtuosity (1995)
His name is Sid 6.7. It is created from two hundred selected scum, villains and psychopaths, endowed with the intelligence and cunning of the most famous serial killers in the history of mankind.
Sid 6,7 was specially coined as the perfect embodiment of evil and cruelty, for a special computer program that helps the police to catch criminals. But the irreparable happened.
Cid managed to escape from cyberspace into the real world. The ideal criminal was free and eager to teach people a terrible lesson ...
Virus / Virus (1999)
A lamb *** of a small American vessel that miraculously escaped from the mouth of a typhoon finds a deserted Russian research vessel. With the hope of a premium of about $ 30 million, they are going to tow it to the nearest port. Only two of the team - Keith Foster and Steve Baker - feel the danger.
The truth is terrible: the ship has been attacked by an alien mutated life form. Powerful and highly developed, which finally found a suitable planet for its invasion! Yet greed takes its toll, leaving no hope of salvation ...
War Games / WarGames (1983)
Hacker was lucky: he entered the Pentagon’s computer network and began to play War. Operators of the military department, and after them the command decided that the Russians were starting the Third World War, and began to prepare a retaliatory strike. Realizing that he had done that, the young man wants to stop playing, but this is far from easy ...
War Games 2: Death Code / WarGames: The Dead Code (2008)
Computer hacker Will Farmer involves Ripley’s government super-computer in an online game that simulates a terrorist attack. How Farmer knew that Ripley was created to identify potentially dangerous types and the game made him paranoid.
Robot Wars / Robot Jox 2 / Robot Wars (1993)
2041 Remains of survivors of a global technological catastrophe fall under the tyranny of a gangster organization whose leader decides to use the forbidden weapon for its own purposes - a huge combat robot, mothballed many years ago. But fortunately there is also a counterweight - another huge robot-warrior found by the protagonists.
Enemies / Android Apocalypse (2006)
Far future. Ecological disaster forced people to move to cities isolated from the poisoned external environment by domes, and rampant progress towards robotics equalized reasonable machines in rights with their creators. At least, before the law, both are equal.
A convict for killing an android man named Jute is sent to prison in a company in need due to deviations in reprogramming cyborg Disi behavior. Both can not tolerate each other, however, when the transport is attacked by feral killer robots, they have to cooperate willy-nilly because they are bound by handcuffs alone. None of them will be able to fend off insane cars and survive alone, if not - learn to trust a partner willy-nilly. And this is only the first of the lessons that heroes will have to learn in their unparalleled odyssey in the full dangers of a dying Earth ...
Recall All / Total Recall (1990)
In 2048, the life of a simple working guy Doug Quaid is dull and monotonous. Therefore, in order to somehow have some fun, he decides to use the services of a certain company, which for a certain fee sends impulses to his brain, creating the complete illusion that he is another person who lives another interesting life.
Everything is good, but after the session Dagu is absolutely impossible to understand who he really is - a simple hard worker or a special forces officer who owns all kinds of weapons and martial arts. They are afraid of him, they want to kill him, the hunting season is open for him; even his beloved wife is trying to break his neck. Now, in order to survive, he needs to remember, remember everything ...


Lawnmower Man (1992)
The young talented scientist Trays sets up experiments using high-end computer technology in combination with drugs over the mentally handicapped lawn mower Jobe. Trace introduces Jobe into virtual reality - a three-dimensional computer world.
A scientist manages to develop the mental abilities of yesterday's idiot to supergeny. But in the course of the experiment, the military secretly interfere, and the subject turns into a super-intellectual monster-psychopath in human form, who has claims to world domination.
Lawnmower 2: Outside Cyberspace / Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996)
Lawyer mower Dob did not die in the flames, but became a dweller of virtual reality and began to work on the creation of a new computer system - a global network connecting all computers so that it was impossible to free oneself from it. Mad Gob is trying to recreate the discovery of his "creator", scientist Benjamin Trays - a universal computer chip.
When Trace learns that Jobe is trying to gain domination over the whole world with the help of a virtual reality microchip, the scientist comes to the conclusion that only he can upset Jobe’s megamania plans ...
Galaxy THX-1138 / THX 1138 (1971)
The genre of social fiction quite often touches on such topics. The world of the future is drawn gloomily and hopelessly, in which every soulless machine runs, setting ambiguous but clearly inhuman goals, and people have completely lost the spirit of freedom and the ability to live independently.
Most even like it, because there are no problems. But one day the unbelievable happens - the faceless number of the TNH-1138 suddenly rises against the system and starts a war ...
Gog / Gog (1954)
A security agent is investigating sabotage and murder in a secret underground laboratory, where two experimental robots are located.


Bicentennial Man (1999)
The beginning of the new millennium; there is a breakthrough in global technology. People no longer start dogs and cats at home: they buy robots for themselves. So the Martin family gets an unusual gift: a robot of the new generation NDR-114, and in ordinary life just Andrew.
Purchased as a device programmed to do homework, Andrew suddenly begins to experience strange sensations. He does not yet know what it is called feelings.
Johnny Mnemonic / Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
In the cybernated future, the most valuable commodity is the information delivered by couriers in the most secure place in their own brain. In order to succeed in this business, Johnny "erased" childhood memories and expanded the memory of ultramodern computer gadgets.
But this was not enough for the information that he undertook to deliver. If it is not time to unload it, then Johnny will die. The stakes are high, and the omnipresent Japanese mafia, who joins the preacher's work to such an exquisite business, wants to get information from the head (with the head, but without Johnny) ...
Inquiry into the pilot Pirks (1979)
A large corporation produces humanoid robots, despite public opinion, the press and trade unions, which oppose. It is decided to send a spacecraft to Saturn to launch artificial satellites, where the crew will consist of robots.
For the flight is selected pilot Pirks, known for its honesty and integrity. Detractors from the corporation fear that the opinion of Pirks could disrupt profitable production, and take their own measures.
Drive / Drive (1997)
San Francisco. The near future. The freighter returns from Hong Kong with a mysterious passenger named Toby Wang. He escaped from the underground corporation Leunga in search of freedom in the West.
However, Toby falls into the clutches of the cold-blooded Vic Madison gang. Having escaped from Madison's gang, he takes hostage a drunkard Malik Broundi and travels to Los Angeles. On the road, they become buddies, and Toby even teaches Malik martial arts. One day Malik learns that Toby has a biomodule implanted, giving him strength and speed.
Devil Seed / Demon Seed / Demon Seed / Demon Seed (1977)
The scientist Alex Harris, conducting research with artificial intelligence, is working on a new type of super complex computer. This computer is constantly increasing its capabilities and begins to threaten Susan, the beautiful wife of a scientist ...
Daryl / DARYL (1985)
A young couple adopts a boy found in the forest who suffers from partial memory loss, but has unique abilities. He learned to play the piano in a few minutes, at school he showed tremendous knowledge, and played baseball to the envy of professionals.
He was the perfect son, which seemed a little strange. Suspicions were not groundless — Daryl was an android stolen from a secret military base.


Eva: Artificial Intelligence / Eva (2011)
Alex, a well-known cybernetics engineer, returns to Santa Irina to take on an unusual project for the Robotics department of his university - the creation of a robot child. For ten years, while he was not in the city, life for his brother David and the girl Lana went on as usual: now they live together and they have a daughter Eve. A good relationship is established between Alex and Eve, and it turns out that Eve is changing Alex's approach to his workings in unexpected ways. For them, the journey begins, which promises an intriguing climax.
Eve the Destroyer / Eve of Destruction / Eve of Destruction (1991)
The brilliant scientist and inventor Eva Simmons creates in her own absolute likeness the android robot Eva Eighth. The psyche implanted in her is subject to the influence of childhood traumas and sexual complexes of the creator. During the test goes out of control secret combat program.
Obsessed with the idea of ​​eliminating the negative factors of past life, Eve Eighth sweeps away any visible obstacles in her path. To intercept it, Simmons summons anti-terrorism expert Jim McQuaid.
His name was Robert (1967)
A young scientist creates a biochemical model of man. Robot "RB-235", an exact copy of its creator, was given the opportunity to go beyond the limits of the institute and live like a human being.


Iron / MARK 13 / Robot Head / Hardware / MARK 13 (1990)
Post-apocalyptic future. Mo buys the skeleton head of a robot from Stalker, and decides to give it to his girlfriend Jill. Jill is a sculptor, and such a figure is just useful in her work.
However, they even had no idea what they were connected with - the head of the robot turned out to be part of the murderous combat android "MARK 13", which possesses excellent artificial intelligence. And so, the robot came to life and gradually began to collect itself from the nearby scrap metal. Soon it turns out that Jill is left alone in this apartment with this piece of iron ...
Real Steel / Real Steel (2011)
The events of the film take place in the future, where boxing is banned for inhumanity and replaced by fighting 2,000-pound robots driven by humans. The former boxer, and now the promoter who has swung to Robobox, decides that he has finally found his champion when he comes across a culled but very capable robot. At the same time on the life course of the hero arises 11-year-old boy, who turns out to be his son. And as the car makes its way to the top, the father and son who have found each other learn to be friends.


Programmed to kill / Machine revenge / Programmed to Kill (1987)
A terrorist from the Middle East was captured by the CIA during the terrorist attack in Greece. During escorting back to the USA, she undergoes an experiment to transform herself into a cybernetic killing machine. Now the CIA has a secret weapon that will be sent to the Middle East. But how long can they manage it?
Star Kid Scout / Star Kid (1997)
A powerful army of Tyrannophus invaded the planet Treklins. The Treklinsians fought bravely, but could not resist the pityless enemies. In desperate attempts to save the peace-loving people from complete annihilation, the Traklinsian scientists created a cyber-secret weapon that was supposed to change the course of the war.
Alas, they were late, and Tyranofus captured the planet. In order not to allow the invaders to take possession of powerful weapons, scientists send a single prototype of cyber to Earth, where a teenager finds him. He helps the robot to get used to earthly conditions and gain experience before a decisive battle.


Outcast / Gangster world / The Outsider (1998)
In America of the future - a quiet, free from violence, an almost idyllic country, they decide to create a kind of amusement park called the World of Gangsters, where you can experience long-forgotten feelings of danger and fulfill your darkest desires. But an unidentified superplayer Izgoi appears in the action area, programmed to destroy the creators of the park.
Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
In the future world of global warming and frightening scientific advances, mortals live side by side with amazing and complex robots. But when an advanced prototype of a child robot named David is programmed to display disinterested love, members of his human family are not ready for the consequences of such a feeling.
Suddenly, David is alone in a strange and dangerous world. With the help of a street robot, David embarks on a search for the riddle of his own origin.


Cyborg / Cyborg (1989)
America of the 21st century, stagnating in social anarchy and a deadly plague, is about to become the victim of a stormy thieves' lawlessness. Only Pearl Prophet, a beautiful half-female half-robot, knows the secret of creating a saving vaccine.
Collecting the components necessary for the salvation of mankind, Pearl is captured by the cannibal Flash Peirots, who intended to use the antidote for personal purposes and to achieve domination over the whole world. Now only the steel fist of the sword-sword hero Gibson Rickenbacker can save her, and at the same time everything that remains of humanity ...
Cyborg 2: Glass Shade / Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow (1993)
In 2074, the Earth is engulfed by the struggle of the largest corporations. Kobayashi Electronics (Japan) and Pinuil Robotics (USA) are fighting over control of the software industry and the production of cyborgs. Cyborgs replaced people in all respects: from a soldier on the battlefield to a prostitute in a brothel. Billions of dollars are at stake.
The American corporation created a cyborg in the form of a beautiful woman, into whose body a powerful liquid explosive was introduced. This “cyborg girl” was supposed to negotiate with the leadership of a Japanese corporation and explode there. After that, the shares would have fallen, and the competitor would be eliminated. Everything probably would have happened, but her karate teacher was fascinated by the beauty. When she found out that she was doomed to die by her creators, he came to her aid and the chase began ...
Cyborg 3: Recycler / Cyborg 3: The Recycler (1994)
People and cyborgs 200 years lived in the world. Cyborgs served people, worked for them, satisfied their sexual needs. But new times came, and people began to hunt for cyborgs for their costly microchips and internal organs. The main characters of the film are from such hunters. They scour the planet in search of cyborgs and do not know mercy in this undeclared war.
Cyborg 2087 / Cyborg 2087 (1966)
From a distant totalitarian future, a group of people who refuse to accept the fact that their consciousness is controlled by a handful of "chosen ones" is sent to Gort cyborg. His goal is to find a certain scientist working on the technique of total control over human consciousness, and prevent him from making his discovery. However, in the course of his mission, Gort realizes that he is being hunted by government agents, who also come from the future.
Cyborg Hunter / CyberTracker (1994)
Eric is a secret agent guarding Senator Dilley, involved in a program to create a new type of police officer: the ideal, invulnerable Cyborg hunter. Having learned that the senator is bound by corruption, from his personal security guard, Eric is being converted into an object of hunting not only by the head of security, but also by the invincible android ...
Cyborg Hunter 2 / CyberTracker 2 (1995)
Cyborgs do not have souls, but with a person's appearance they are able to do a lot of mischief. When the army of mechanical killers is ready to enter the streets of Los Angeles, FBI agent Eric Phillips is the only one who opposes their strength and intelligence.
Cyborg Cop / Cyborg Cop (1993)
Two policemen, brothers, are dismissed from work because they have killed a maniac who has taken a girl hostage. Maniac was the son of a major publisher. After that, they were offered a dangerous task, and one of the brothers, Jack, refused. The task turned out to be a trap - the detachment was destroyed, and the villain-scientist Kessel turned his brother into a cyborg-killer in his laboratory. Then these creatures were sold to everyone who had money for it. Upon learning that his brother is missing, Jack goes to rescue him. And I must say that this guy was able to stand up for himself.
Cyborg Cop 2 / Cyborg Cop II (1994)
The human soul or mechanical mind - what is stronger in this ruthless world? And in the worst nightmare, policeman Jack Ryan would not like to imagine that he would again have to come together in a deadly fight with a whole detachment of cyborg killers!
Cyborg Cop 3 / Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Company Deltateh manufactures cyborgs. TV journalist Evelyn Reid finds out about this - she wants to prepare a TV report and expose the villains. In order to prevent a journalist and to avoid an international scandal, two special agents Max and Saint, assistants to the federal marshal, are sent to the company.
Agents are too addicted to the pursuit of their victims, and the army of androids falls on them. Now Max and the Holy must try to stop the experiments of a mad scientist who plans to make cyborg-killers out of his students.
Class of 1999 / Class of 1999 (1990)
The time of action is 1999. In schools and universities of the United States - the complete chaos perpetrated by youth gangs. The Department of Defense Education, desperate to impose discipline at Kennedy High School, decides to use the services of the Megatek company, which worked on defense and continues to develop various models of robots, including cyborg teachers.
Three electronic teachers, who arrived at the school, instantly become bestial from communicating with their students and begin a ruthless deadly battle "for academic performance and attendance." At this time, the young gangsters find themselves equal opponents!
Colossus: The Forbin Project / Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970)
The supercomputer built to protect and help control the entire country suddenly refuses to obey the person and begins to follow at its own discretion.
Companion / Life Companion / The Companion (1994)
A young writer, named Gillian, decides to retire in a small house in the highlands. In peace and tranquility, it wants to finish writing its new novel. On the advice of her friend, as a companion, she buys an android, so that he would help her with the housework. The Android, which she called "Jeffrey", does everything quickly and well. But, he looks constrained, boring and not very sexy. Then Gillian decides to reprogram it. And this leads to unpredictable consequences ...
Computer Commando / Digital Man / Digital Man (1995)
A huge, fully digital robot sent to the task to intercept the secret code from the terrorists. After successfully completing the task, on the way back the ship crashes and the digital man finds himself in the middle of the desert, in some small town. A squad of soldiers is sent in search of a robot, without knowing that it has a code. Soon a merciless war breaks out between the robot and the squad.
Short Circuit / Short Circuit (1986)
Lightning strikes the robot at number 5, and it comes to life like the creation of Frankenstein. The whole thing is that its creator and those who planned to use the robot for military purposes, did not even suspect what a mighty charge of philanthropy and goodness was laid in this seemingly brainless and heartless piece of iron.
Short Circuit 2 / Short Circuit 2 (1988)
Ben Jarvi, an Indian by birth, and by profession a robot inventor, is forced to work as a street vendor. In the first film, he was suspended from work after the incident with the Number 5 robot he created.
Now Ben is stranded, he is forced to live in a van and make toy robots for sale on the street. These robots are all like one, they look like Number Five, but only by design ... .. Number Five has gained its identity due to the short circuit, and these little ones are just soulless toys.
Space Odyssey 2001/2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Who are we? What place do we occupy in the universe? These questions face the heroes of the film. The crew of the space ship *** I S. S. Discovery - captains Dave Bowman, Frank Poole and their on-board computer HEL-9000 - must explore the area of ​​the galaxy and understand why aliens are watching Earth. On this way, many unexpected discoveries await them ...
Space truckers / Space Truckers (1996)
2196 The driver, carrying cargo to distant planets, wants to remain independent from the powerful Corporation. Therefore, for a lot of money, he is taken to transport a dubious cargo. To shorten the path, it goes through the galaxy, where robbery and piracy reigns ...
Fortress / Fortress (1993)
year 2013. Life on Earth has become hard and cruel. Natural resources are running out, and the population has increased enormously. The result of all this is a strict regime and a new law that a woman can have only one child. After the death of the first child, Brennik and his wife Karen break the law and wait for the birth of their second child. They are imprisoned in the Fortress, the most sophisticated prison with the maximum degree of protection, from which no one has yet managed to escape. Subjected to monstrous torture, Brennik decides to flee at any cost.
Screamers / Screamers (1995)
2078 The officer of the Commonwealth - the army of the rebels - Colonel Joseph Hendriksson was appointed to lead the defense of the outpost on the planet Sirius-6B, which became a stronghold in the confrontation with the National Security Association - the New Economic Block. The main trump card of the Commonwealth in the war with the NEB is Screamers, a supernovae programmed to destroy all forms of life.
Screamers move underground, reacting to the sounds or vibrations of the soil. They hit their targets with incredible accuracy. Screamers are an effective and deadly means of exterminating people. But the main problems began when they began to mutate, assuming a human form. Now, being among the people, they lead a hidden and dangerous hunt ...
Screamers 2: Hunting / Screamers: The Hunting (2009)
A group of researchers from Earth, having received the SOS signal, arrives on the planet Sirius 6-B, which was considered lifeless after the destruction of the “screamers”. The researchers, led by Lieutenant Victoria Bronte, quickly find several survivors at a remote outpost, but more importantly, they find that the development of robots has reached terrifying heights, allowing them to take human form extremely convincingly, which means that there are still many unpleasant experiences before leaving home the violence of paranoia.


Moon Trap / Moontrap (1989)
A couple of NASA astronauts in their next flight discovers a space ship of unearthly origin, plying in an orbit between our planet and the moon. Inside it, they find the withered corpse of a humanoid creature and an egg-shaped metal device.
Moon 2112 / Moon (2009)
Sam's contract comes to an end: he spent three years on the moon, watching the automated station for the extraction of rare gas. Three long years all alone, except for the talking robot GURTI, can change anyone. Two weeks before returning to earth, Sam meets his mate, a man like two peas in a pod like him. Maybe this is a hallucination? Or the fruit of his sick imagination? Maybe something happened on Earth, and the video messages from the house that have supported Sam all these years are a lie?
Man's Best Friend / Man's Best Friend (1993)
Cheetah runs at incredible speed. The cat instantly climbs a tall tree. Chameleon camouflages itself under the relief of the environment. The bear is incredibly strong. And the dog Max combines the virtues of various representatives of the animal world. Because it is derived in a secret laboratory. And she would have ended her life there if it were not for the seasoned TV journalist who managed to secretly penetrate the territory of the Max company at the invitation of a friend ...
Android love / The Android Affair (1995)
The action takes place in the future. Doctors do experimental operations on androids - biorobot, so as not to risk the life of a real person. The heroine of the film, a doctor, falls in love with her artificial patient, fulfilling his desire to show him the outside world and human life. But someone begins to hunt them, trying to kill, then kidnap. According to the film android Dunn sore heart. And now, being in an extreme condition, she performs an operation, which no one had done before, saving his life. It turns out that it was necessary for the head of a research center suffering from the same disease. The only thing she did not know was that his place had long been taken by an android similar to him.


The Matrix / The Matrix (1999)
The world of the Matrix is ​​an illusion that exists only in the endless sleep of the doomed humanity. The cold world of the future, in which people are just batteries in computer systems.
Matrix 2: Reboot / The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Freedom fighters Neo, Trinity and Morpheus continue to lead the uprising of people against the Army Machines. To destroy the system of repression and exploitation, they are forced to resort not only to the arsenal of superior weapons, but also to their outstanding skills.
Participation in the mission to save the human race from its complete extermination brings them a deeper understanding of the construction of the Matrix and an awareness of the central role of Neo in the fate of humanity.
Matrix 3: The Revolution / The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
As long as the Army of Machines is trying to destroy Zion, its inhabitants from the last forces hold up their defenses. But will they be able to prevent a full invasion of the city of a swarming horde of merciless machines before Neo gathers all his strength and puts an end to the war?
Death Machine / Death Machine (1994)
The combat robot, programmed only for destruction, was out of control. The control panel of this monster was in the hands of a madman-maniac, who felt full power over people.
There are no obstacles in front of this steel monster: fire screens, concrete walls, armored doors are overcome by him without any effort. Resist this steel monster can only cyber soldier, which turns into one of the pursued.
Cyber ​​Vengeance / Cyber ​​Vengeance (1997)
Businessman Crowley created a prison in which prisoners are kept under lock and key through a virtual reality program. Crowley forcibly pushes prisoners into new levels of the program, where they, fighting for life, face Thor, the main fighter of the program. The conditions are simple: if you conquer the Torah, you will live.
Metropolis / Metropolis (1927)
Metropolis - the city of the future, is divided into two parts. Under the ground are the dwellings of the workers, above them are shops with machines. Offices, rich neighborhoods and entertainment gardens are located in the upper city. All power in the city belongs to the magnate Johann Fenderson.
His son - Freder guesses about the injustice prevailing in the metropolis. Going down to the engine room, Fredder is horrified: he sees the terrible Moloch devouring people. Unable to put up with what he saw, he begins to fight evil.
Mechanical Killers / Eliminators (1986)
Scientist-maniac Reeves made of the pilot John, crashed on a plane, android. John managed to escape to the Space Research Institute, where he met with the female scientist Nora. Together they set off on a dangerous and exciting journey to stop the maniac Reeves.
World of the Wild West / Westworld (1973)
The Western World is one of three gigantic theme parks built on the remnants of American nature. There is also the Roman world and the world of the middle ages. For 1000 dollars a day, tourists can have fun to the best of their needs and appetites.
Robots that inhabit these amusement parks, you can rape, kill, love, shoot, chop with the sword. You can even make friends with them. They never give back and do not feel emotion.
But suddenly something in the debugged mechanism of the attraction is being debugged. A computer problem spreads like a plague. Robots start an uprising ...
World of the Future / Futureworld (1976)
After recovering from a disaster, the little world of the Future World Resort Hotel is reopening. Reporters Tacy and Chuck are investigating the hotel’s owner, who has set out to rule the world.
The world on the wire / Welt am Draht (1973)
The Institute of Cybernetics created a revolutionary supercomputer, Simulacron, with which you can model entire worlds and inhabit them with artificial people. Initially, Simulacron was supposed to be used for good public purposes, but the head of the Institute, Siskins, begins to carry out his mercenary plans. To prevent Siskins, as well as to solve a number of mysteries and riddles around the supercomputer, the genius of computer technology Fred Stiller should ...
My girlfriend is a cyborg / Cyborg She / Boku no kanojo wa saibogu / (2008)
Jiro, an ordinary college student, led an unremarkable life until She appeared. Incredibly attractive with an inhumanly cold look in a formidable gray suit of the anime character She turned his life upside down. She turned out to be a cyborg that Jiro had sent to the past, eighty years old, in order to protect herself-the present from being wounded in a shootout in a restaurant. As she acquires human emotions, Jiro begins to realize that she is falling in love with her, but the girl is hiding something that should happen in the future.


On the hook / Eagle Eye (2008)
The young slacker lives a carefree life, unlike his twin brother, who seeks to succeed in all walks of life, until ... he dies under mysterious circumstances. At the same time, a child disappears from a single mother, Rachel, and, soon, strangers discover that they were framed and turned out to be terrorists. Forcibly inculcated into a group planning a series of murders, they are forced together to find ways to save their lives ...
Nemesis / Nemesis (1992)
Cybernetics has reached such power that any part of the body can be replaced, even the brain. This supertechnology creates creatures that are cyborg rather than human.
Secret agent Alex after numerous wounds underwent cybernetic surgery. He tried to refuse to return to the service, but he was accused of smuggling and implanted a bomb into his heart, which could be detonated at any time. Now Alex has no choice, he has to find the stolen computer chip, which the terrorists desperately hunt for. This chip is the key to the cyborgs plan to seize power on Earth.
The main suspect is Jared, a colleague and former lover of Alex. But, having appeared at the purpose, Alex finds out that it is used as a bait on which it is possible to "entice" Jared and terrorists.
Nemesis 2: Invisible / Nemesis 2: Nebula (1995)
The war between humans and cyborgs began 73 years ago, in 2027. The war was won by cyborgs, and people became their slaves. The scientist of the resistance movement created the DNA supermolecule. The woman Zana was chosen to give birth to this man. Cyborgs learned about the danger and started hunting with the help of the main hunter Nebula.
Zana knew where the ship was hidden, capable of traveling through time. She arrives in West Africa in 1980, where there is an endless tribal war. There she leaves her daughter Alex, thinking that someday she will come to her and win the war with the cyborgs. But she herself almost immediately dies. The child is left alone, and it is adopted by a local tribe of brave men. It takes 20 years. In America, the future of the cyborg find out where the child has matured, and send the hunter Nebula there ...
Nemesis 3: Failure in Time / Nemesis 3: Prey Harder (1996)
In 2077, the cyborgs conquered the land. Humanity had only one hope - Alex, a mutant woman, already known to viewers from previous films. Cyborgs have created a new generation to destroy it. Farnsworth II, with a whole cyborgs brigade, must catch her, determine her type of DNA, and find out if she bore offspring.
Coming up and in the 30th minute, she regained her memory, Alex continues to “drown” the enemies of the people in different times in Africa, still torn by civil wars. She also has assistants from the number of mercenaries, there are also enemies ...
Nemesis 4: Crying Angels / Nemesis 4: Cry of Angels (1996)
2080 Having settled down after all his adventures in an endangered Eastern European town, Alex begins to do the same thing that most of the remaining criminal population trades in - hunting for bandits and outlawed cyborg. But when she mistakenly eliminates the wrong guy, a reward is assigned to her head, and Alex quickly turns from a hunter to a victim.
Nirvana / Nirvana (1997)
2005 year. Okosama Starr company is going to release for Christmas a new virtual game Nirvana, in which everything is possible. But the game is faltering and can harm the mind and health of the players. The creator of Nirvana Jimi decides to destroy the game. To do this, he goes to Nirvana himself three days before Christmas ...


Hunting for robots / Runaway / Runaway (1984)
The near future. Policeman Jack Ramsey is a member of the special department for the disposal of broken or insane robots. He is investigating the case of a strange madness robot, which led to the death of people. Jack finds out that the crime was planned by the man who changed the program of the robot. But as soon as the policeman finds the trail of the criminals, the attacker kidnaps his ten-year-old son and demands that all materials and documents on supernovae microchips be returned to the police.


Gift / Echelon Conspiracy (2009)
What will happen if you get a gift that will fulfill all your desires. A gift from which you can not refuse, but for which you have to pay. The fate of the ordinary guy Max Peterson presents just such a gift. His life is changing dramatically ... But how long will he be able to enjoy the bliss of happiness and at what cost will it turn out to him?
Division T / Uncontrolled Force / T-Force (1994)
Division "T" (from the word "terminate" - to terminate, destroy - terminator) consists of four cyborgs. They enter the building of a foreign mission, captured by terrorists. There are hostages in the building, including the British ambassador.
Police Officer 2000 / TC 2000 (1993)
The partner of the policeman Jason Storm, Zoe, who died while patrolling the exits from the underground, equipped world to the little-habitable surface of the Earth, is turned into a completely invulnerable cyborg-killer.
Jason learns that Zoe is programmed to blow up an inactive nuclear power plant. The police chief, who desired to rule the whole world, is ready to destroy the entire population of North America with the criminals. In order to prevent a catastrophe, Jason joins forces with the most formidable and respected fighter of one of the factions, We Suma ...
Adventure Electronics (1979)
Soviet scientist creates a genius robot. This is a boy who is able to solve any mathematical problems, he writes the best compositions and sings well! And he - an exact copy of the schoolboy Serezha Syroezhkina. The smart little boy quickly puts all his responsibilities on the electronic counterpart. He does his homework for him, goes to school and performs the economic affairs, which are entrusted to Syroyazhkin by his parents ...
Project "Shadow Hunter" / Project Shadowchaser (1992)
A gang of terrorists led by a billion dollar who escaped from a secret laboratory, worth a billion dollars, seizes the hospital. The patients were taken hostage, and the terrorists' main prize is the daughter of the president. They demand a ransom of $ 50 million.
In order to free the hostages with minimal losses, the FBI needs the help of the architect who built the building. But he is sentenced to life imprisonment in a cryogenic prison. Criminal thawed and promise him freedom in exchange for cooperation.
He agrees, but the FBI does not know one thing: this man is not an architect. This is a former football player Michael. He leads a special forces detachment to the rescue of the hostages ... and falls into the trap. All the special forces die,

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Часть 1 Artificial Intelligence Films
Часть 2 - Artificial Intelligence Films


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