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- Artificial Intelligence Films


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and Michael is left with only one thing: try to sell your life as expensive as possible ...

Project "The Shadow Hunter" 2 / Project Shadowchaser II (1994)
The terrorists, led by an android, seize a nuclear weapons manufacturing plant and threaten to launch a nuclear warhead on Washington, if their accomplice is not released from prison. While the authorities are desperately trying to establish a negotiating process, the terrorists are engaged in the implementation of their true intent. Criminals aim to seize the secret system "Cobra", already prepared for destruction by order of the president. In the confrontation with the terrorists killed almost all the factory staff.
Project "The Shadow Hunter" 3 / Project Shadowchaser III (1995)
On one of the spaceships called “Siberia” a mysterious tragedy occurred at the very beginning of the film. Apparently, some creature is infused into people, and they have to be killed without any admission that you are not killing yours.
After 25 years, the ship “Comstat-5” with the heroes of this film nearly collided with “Siberia”, and then to their surprise and dismay, the spacecraft depopulated, as the instruments showed, the spacecraft unfolds and takes a course towards an inevitable collision. As a result, several crew members were killed, and the ship was seriously damaged. Someone really wanted our heroes to be aboard the Siberia. But who?
Prototype / Prototype (1992)
Los Angeles, 2057 People created too clever cybernetically modified creatures called OMEGIs, who began to change their program so much that time was called the time of insane minds. To do away with such an unsuccessful experiment, fully cybernetic creatures were created. They were called PROTOTYPES. The task they had one - completely destroy the OMEG.


The Demolitionist (1995)
A wave of crime swept Metro City. During one of the special operations, police officer Alice Lloyd was brutally murdered by Mad Dog and his gang. But with the help of a miracle - the technology of the top-secret project "Lazarus" Alice Lloyd returned from the dead.
Now she is “The Destroyer”, a new generation of law enforcement forces, a biogenetic improved soldier of justice, armed with all kinds of super modern weapons. "Destroyer" begins its crusade against the gang of the Mad Dog. This time the war on crime is being carried out with the most extreme measures.
Robocop / Police Robot / RoboCop (1987)
After the death of one of the best policemen, experimental doctors create an invulnerable cyborg Robocop, who alone fights a gang of criminals. However, robust armor does not save Robocop from painful, fragmentary memories of the past: he constantly sees nightmarish dreams in which he is killed by cruel criminals. Now he is waiting not only for justice ... but also for revenge!
Robocop 2 / Robot-cop 2 / RoboCop 2 (1990)
Drug dealers seek to seize power in the city, subjugate government and enslave the inhabitants. Robot-cop - the only hope in the fight against the gangling villains.
But the gangsters, knowing of its existence, create their own machine - a cyborg, with the help of which they hope to get rid of the cybernetic peace officer and establish total control ...
Robocop 3 / Robot Cop 3 / RoboCop 3 (1993)
The powerful corporation that created the famous Police Robot is developing an ambitious redevelopment project for Detroit. But its implementation is hampered by residents of poor neighborhoods, for which there was no place in the ideal city of the future.
Fearless Robocop finds itself between two warring camps. As a property of a corporation, he must obey an unjust order. But as a man, Murphy has to stand up for the rebels. Torn between the cruel debt and the voice of the heart, the Robot-Cop gets into the very epicenter of the confrontation. It is time to make a decisive choice ...
Robosapien: Reboot / Cody robot / Robosapien: Rebooted (2013)
The plot confronts a kind scientist who develops artificial intelligence for humanistic purposes, with a powerful corporation that uses his achievements as a weapon. Cybernetics steals one of the ready-made robots named Toby, who after a series of misadventures and breakdowns is lost, and then he is found to be the eleven-year-old son of a single mother, who restores him. Following the newly minted friends rescue the scientist and mother from prison.
Robot Jocks / Robots Fighters / Robot Jox (1990)
Half a century after the end of nuclear war, mankind found a way to more civilized conflict resolution. Representatives of the newly formed states put up giant robots controlled by pilots sitting inside - the Robots Jocks. Achilles, a native of Alaska, is the last hope of the Americans. Their main rivals, the Russians, are represented by a highly experienced pilot named Alexander, on whose account several victories over his compatriots.
Robot / Endhiran / Robot (2010)
A gifted scientist created a robot endowed with a multitude of abilities, which for the first time enters the world with some unexpected and breathtaking consequences ...
Robot and Frank / Robot & Frank (2012)
A film about the touching friendship of an old man and a robot. The story is that an elderly man, Frank, in the past, by the way, is a burglar thief, lives alone. His already grown-up children are far away, and in order to somehow help an aging father who has Alzheimer's disease, the son gives Frank a companion robot. The action of the film takes place in the not too distant future, the robots in the household are quite normal. Since Frank considers himself a man independent and does not want someone or something to look after him, he is wary of the gift of the robot.
Killer Robots / Chopping Mall: Killbots (1986)
In the department store new security technology. Now the usual guards will be replaced by three robots, one per floor. The responsibility of the robots is only catching thieves, they can distinguish thieves from the staff on a special card - the certificate of the store employee.
On the very first day of the robots' duty, the teenagers who worked in a department store decided to stay after work and have fun. But the robots electronic stuffing fails and they begin their bloody hunt. Teenagers against killer robots - who wins?
Rottweiler / Rottweiler (2004)
When inmate Dante escapes from custody, his captors decide to try a new, reliable weapon. In the footsteps of the daring fugitive, ROTT, a ruthless robot rottweiler with steel jaws and an unmistakable scent on human flesh, is racing. This invulnerable beast does not know fatigue and pain, and each new fight only multiplies its strength and fury. In the desert inhospitable lands, so similar to hell, Dante does not expect salvation, and anyone who dares to help him will pay for this with his life. The iron breath of the hell hound is getting closer. Who will win the deadly duel between man and machine? ..
Knights / Knights (1993)
The habitual world has become a scorched desert. People are now the lowest caste, and the cyborgians they created rule the planet. To exist they need to constantly feed themselves with human blood. Evil cyborg Joba (Henriksen) is challenged by the positive cyborg Gabriel (Kristofferson) and the girl Nea (Long), whose parents killed Jobe 10 years ago.


Saturn 3 / Saturn 3 (1980)
On the space station "Titan", located under the surface of the third satellite of Saturn, there are two scientists - Adam and Alex. Their idyll is disturbed by the arrival of Captain James at the station.
He decided to make from the remote station a testing ground for a perfect cyborg of a new generation, which would make its creator the most powerful man in the solar system. But the very first test of a cyborg shows that James is losing control over his creation, and the robot with the awesome power has a program of destruction ...
Brain Scanning / Brainscan (1994)
When high school student Michael acquired a computer interactive game in virtual reality “Brain Scanning”, he did not even suspect that the toy would penetrate his subconscious in a magical way and release the most hidden fears and fantasies.
In this game you need to commit a murder, leaving no witnesses and evidence. The game seems just wonderful: the thrill and sense of the full reality of what is happening. But the fact is that the killings committed in the game really happen!
Deadly Friend / Deadly Friend (1986)
The plot focuses on a 15-year-old Paul Conway, a “fiction-shifted” teenager who comes to a small town to study artificial intelligence at a local university.
Paul's friend, a robot named BB, is the hero's own creation, and the new girlfriend is a charming girl named Samantha, who lives next door.
When, as a result of the tragic events, the young scientist loses his friends, he decides to resurrect his lost beloved. But, like the unfortunate Dr. Frankenstein, it is too late to understand that his new creation is a bloodthirsty monster!
Apocalypse Soldier / Omega Doom (1996)
Far future. Survivors of the global atomic catastrophe are doomed to slow death in the terrible cold of a nuclear winter. But there is a danger that is more terrible than hunger and radiation - this is an army of robots that have gone out of control and have organized a hunt for humans.
Solo / Solo (1996)
He is a universal soldier, able to fight and win in any conditions. He has no family, no friends. He looks like a man, but is made of polymers and microchips. He is Solo, the machine is the only program to kill.
But the program fails. Solo begins to think like a man. He has human feelings and friends. But the cruel military who created. Solo, announce a hunt for him. And Solo begins a merciless war.
Delilah Special Agent / Agent by Delilah / Running Delilah (1993)
The agent of special services Delilu is being introduced into the underground organization for the sale of weapons, but she comes across for stealing the secret documents of the head of the organization Kersharyan. Delilah's Binder Paul discovers her lifeless body and transports Delilah to the experimental lab.
Thanks to the wonders of science, it is literally resurrected. Coming out of a five-week coma, Delilah discovers that her body is crammed with electronics and is as robotic as possible. She is terrified, but the power of Paul’s love helps her overcome her fear of her own body.
Thanks to enhanced training, she becomes a super agent with unlimited possibilities. Delilah and Paul are assigned to get back to Kersharyan again. They track him in Paris, where he makes a deal to resell Russian plutonium to a Middle Eastern terrorist, Carlos ...
Steel hands / Paco - death fighting vehicle / Atomic Cyborg / Vendetta dal futuro (1986)
In the near future, the Earth will be on the verge of an ecological catastrophe, and powerful transnational corporations continue to pollute the environment. The Green movement, led by Arthur Mosel, rises against them. Then the head of one of the corporations, Francis Turner, creates a cyborg from a man in an accident named Paco. His task is to kill Arthur. But at the time of the murder, Paco's human nature takes up above the program, and he leaves the Moselle alive. Hiding from the police and Turner's people, Paco travels to Arizona, where she stays in a small hotel, the charming owner of which provides him with asylum. But the gangsters and the police are already on the trail of a fugitive ...
Stealth / Stealth (2005)
Artificial intelligence was delivered to the naval airbase, which should be trained by a real pilot in control of a combat aircraft. As combat and political readiness grows, SpyLog also acquires some ideas that are definitely harmful to world peace.
Stepford Wives / The Stepford Wives (1975)
There is a bit of a mess.
Stepford Wives / The Stepford Wives (2004)
Surviving a nervous breakdown, TV broadcaster Joanna Eberhart and her husband Walter moved to Stepford, Connecticut, to stay away from the stresses of the big city. At first glance, this paradise is ideal.
But soon Joanna and her new friend Bobby notice that there is something strange, disturbing in seeming serenity. Yes, and local housewives behave somehow too suspicious: everyone is equally friendly, well-groomed and boring, like robots.
Joanna decides by all means to get to the bottom of the mystery that hides the perfect city and its flawless wives ...
Judge Dredd / Judge Dredd (1995)
In the third millennium, the world changed. The climate, the peoples - everything turned upside down ... The earth turned into a poisonous, scorched desert, which they began to call "Cursed Land." Millions of people concentrated in several huge cities, on the streets of which chaos and criminals reigned. The justice system could not cope with anarchy, and a new order was created - elite units that themselves detained, tried, sentenced and carried it out. They were called Judges.
Surrogates / Surrogates (2009)
The action takes place in the future, in 2057, when people practically stop communicating with each other and completely put this function on the shoulders of substitute robots. They are stronger, younger, more attractive than their owners and may even be of the other sex. But there is a terrorist who begins to destroy the perfect androids. Police officer Tom Greer will have to find out what causes are driven by an attacker who takes the lives of people and their puppets, technically and physically perfect.


Terminator / Cyborg Killer / The Terminator (1984)
After the terrible atomic war, the killer robots seized power on the ground. They bring death and total destruction to all living things. Remains of people who managed to survive are hiding in a dungeon and are desperately fighting for survival. Thanks to their talented leader John Connor, they are approaching victory, but to destroy plans of resistance, robots send the monstrous cyborg-killer into the past. His task is to prevent the birth of the resistance leader. For this, he must find the mother of the hero. To protect a woman, the resistance sends in the past of his action movie. But what can an ordinary person do in a duel with a terminator?
Terminator 2: Judgment Day / Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
More than ten years have passed since the cyborg terminator from 2029 tried to destroy Sarah Connor, a woman whose future son will win the war of humanity against machines.
Now Sarah has a son, John, and the time when he will lead the survivors to fight the machines is inexorably approaching. It is at this moment that a new terminator arrives from the post-apocalyptic future - practically invulnerable and able to take on any guise. The goal of the new terminator is no longer Sarah, but the destruction of the young John Connor.
However, John’s chances of salvation are greatly increased when a previous generation terminator reprogrammed with resistance comes to the rescue. Both cyborg engage in a deadly battle, the outcome of which depends the fate of mankind.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines / Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
It has been ten years since John Connor helped prevent Judgment Day and save humanity from mass destruction. Now he is 25, Connor does not live "like everyone else" - he has no home, no credit cards, no cell phone and no work.
His existence is not registered anywhere. It cannot be traced by the Skynet system — a highly developed network of machines that once tried to kill him and start a war against humanity. Until TX appears from the shadows of the future - Terminatrix, the most complex cyborg-killer Skynet.
Sent back through time to complete the work begun by its predecessor, the T-1000, this machine is as stubborn as its human appearance is beautiful. Now Connor’s only hope of survival is the Terminator, his mysterious former killer. Together, they must defeat the new TX technologies and again prevent Doomsday ...
Terminator: May the Savior Come / Terminator Salvation (2009)
2018 year of birth of Christ. John Connor is a man whose fate is to lead Skynet and the Terminator army to resist the electronic brain. But in the future, with the faith in which he returned, the mysterious Marcus Wright is wedged in: a stranger whose last memories draw a death row.
Connor must understand who Markus is - a messenger of the future or saved from the past. And against the background of Skynet’s preparation of the decisive blow, Connor and Wright are embarking on a journey that leads them to the very core of a rebellious operating system, where a terrible secret is revealed, hidden behind the potential destruction of humanity.
Terminators / The Terminators (2009)
Earth captured by combat vehicles with artificial intelligence - terminators. With violent, merciless attacks, robots destroy the planet. The earth turns into huge ashes. Desperately fighting for their future, a handful of survivors in this earthly hell confronts the perfect killers. But the fate of humanity has already been decided!
Pacific Rim (2013)
When legions of monsters known as Kaizu rose from the depths of the sea, the war began, destined to take millions of lives and reduce “human resources” to almost zero in just a few years. To fight the aliens, a special weapon was created: huge robots, called Jaggers, were controlled simultaneously by two pilots, whose minds were connected using neural communication.
Transformers / Transformers (2007)
For many centuries, two races of alien robots - Autobots and Decepticons - fought a war, in which the fate of the universe was staked. And so the war has reached Earth. At a time when the forces of evil are looking for the key to the supreme power, our last chance for salvation is in the hands of a young earthling. The only thing that stands between the evil Decepticons and the higher authorities is the key in the hands of a simple lad.
An ordinary teenager, Sam Whitwicky, is concerned about everyday chores - school, friends, cars, girls. Not knowing that he is the last chance for humanity to save, Sam, along with his girlfriend Michaela, is involved in the confrontation between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Only then can Sam understand the true meaning of the Whitwicky family motto - “there is no victory without victims!”
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen / Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Two years have passed since the young Sam Witwicky saved the universe by preventing a global battle between the warring militant races of alien robots. Despite his heroic exploits, Sam remains an ordinary teenager with the usual problems - college entrance and parents. Of course, the departure will be hard for the best friend, the robot - bodyguard Bumblebee.
Sam is struggling to forget about the conflict in Mission City and return to normal life. However, the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, despite the secrecy of complete secrecy, changed a lot ...
Transformers 3: The Dark Side of the Moon / Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
For our heroes sad days have come: Sam lost Mikaela, the government issues a law on the eviction of the Autobots from the Earth, and while Megatron is hiding after the disgraceful defeat of Follen, the Decepticon Shokuive, the ruler of Cybertron, is preparing to pay a visit to our planet with very bad intentions. The action of the final part of the trilogy at this time covers not only the Earth, but also the Moon, the dark side of which holds no less dark secrets.
Thirteenth floor / The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
On the thirteenth floor of a computer corporation a perfect model of virtual reality was developed, the creation of which led to a chain of mysterious murders. You can solve the riddle only by plunging into another dimension, where there can be an answer to many questions, and maybe a terrible unreality ...
TRON / TRON (1982)
Have you ever had the idea to get inside a computer game and become its participant? Until a certain point, Kevin Flynn also thought that this was possible only in his imagination.
But, being in a secret laboratory that develops computer programs, he is given the opportunity to see the electronic world from the inside and fight in a fierce battle with the owner of the virtual universe.
TRON: Legacy / TRON: Legacy (2010)
Sam Flynn, the technically gifted 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn, begins to investigate the disappearance of his father and is embroiled in the same world of cruel programs and gladiatorial games in which his father lived for 20 years. Together with Kevin's assistant, father and son embark on a perilous journey after life through the striking look of the cyber universe, which has become even more perfect and extremely dangerous.


Future Kick (1991)
By 2025, all who are richer, will move from Earth to the Moon or more distant celestial bodies, and the Earth, after numerous wars, will turn into a haven of bandits and villains. There will be companies that will deal with the transplantation of human organs on an industrial scale, and, therefore, there will be a need for these organs themselves.
Nancy Morgan, the wife of the deceased inventor, will fly to Earth to find the culprit of the death of her husband. It is unlikely that she would be able to achieve this goal if Cyberon Max Walker, an android from the bounty hunters squad, did not come to her aid ... Shock! Another blow! Try to survive on planet Earth in 2025 ...


Full Metal Yakuza / Full Metal gokudo (1997)
One Japanese genius and, naturally, a little crazy scientist decides to create a cyborg based on the body of the recently deceased yakuza. The resulting half-man half-mask is programmed to secretly fight crime in Japan. But ... things did not go quite as the scientist intended ...


Man-scheme / Android / Circuitry Man (1990)
Poisoned air, underground cities and mutant animals make up the world of the film. The world of the near future, in which computer programs become a drug of choice of the younger generation of programmable people, and the war is fought in the electronic systems of opponents ...
Human 2 / Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II (1994)
The future is under the yoke of ecological disaster. The Research Lab revitalizes the Whitehead ...
The Black Hole (1979)
The distant future .. The Palomino spacecraft, flying past the “black hole”, discovered the spaceship “Swan” missing 12 years ago in orbit. Despite the threat of being forever captured by the monstrous field of attraction of the “hole”, the Palomino crew makes the fatal decision to board the interstellar “flying Dutchman” and solve the mystery of its disappearance.
What did the astronauts see: the ship is populated only by robots, and the only person turned out to be Dr. Heinz Reinhardt, a brilliant but obviously mad scientist who is obsessed with penetrating the “black hole” and ready to put his and other people's lives on the map dream of jumping into the abyss.
Cherry 2000 / Cherry 2000 / Cherry 2000 (1987)
Sci-fi thriller like "Mad Max", only with a female hero. 2017, the desert of the southwestern United States. Griffith plays a female mercenary. She was paid to find and defeat a warehouse of robots controlled by dangerous psychotic terrorists. A fun, half-parody film with races, scuffles and light erotica.


Evolver (1995)
In the middle of the primitive jungle, far from civilization, Dr. Russell Bennett is experiencing an amazing combat vehicle capable of independently detecting and destroying the enemy. However, having dealt with the mock-ups, the car is taken to be alive ...
A few years later, Turboplay Industries is releasing a new game - Evolver. Its peculiarity is that with every loss he improves, leaving less and less chances to his opponents. And it turned out that for a victory, Evolver does not limit himself in the choice of means ...
Existence / eXistenZ (1999)
At the closed presentation of the virtual reality game called "Existence" on her gorgeous creator Allegra Gella makes an assassination attempt by a crazy killer who wants to destroy her game too! Forced to flee, Allegra connects the junior employee to the testing of the damaged system by ... convincing him to play the Resistance with her! Events unfold in such a way that the threat to their real life intersects with virtual events in the game.
Electric dreams / Electric Dreams (1984)
An unusual love triangle is formed in the course of the development of the plot lines of this musical fantasy. He and She are two traditional components of this geometric figure. But the third party is unusual - it is ... a computer, and besides, it is also jealous.


I love Maria / I Love Maria / Tie jia wu di Ma Li A (1988)
The so-called Gang of Heroes terrorizes the peaceful inhabitants, putting their creation on the streets - the giant deadly robot Pioneer 1. The group leader, however, believes that the scientists working for him are capable of much more, and soon Pioneer 2 appears. the likeness of a girl boss, Mary. By chance, the robot falls into the hands of a scientist and his friend - a former member of the Gang of Heroes and a couple, reprogramming Pioneer 2, decides to strike back at the lair of the terrorists.
I, Robot / I, Robot (2004)
The film takes place in the future (2035), where robots are ordinary human assistants. The protagonist is a policeman who "does not digest" robots, investigates a murder case in which the robot is involved.
We are talking about a possible violation of the “Law on Robots” (the robot will never raise hands on humans), which, in principle, is impossible. The situation is close to catastrophic: if the machines can violate this law, then nothing will stop them from seizing control of people, especially since humanity has long been completely dependent on robots ...
I and Katerina / Io e Caterina (1980)
The story of how a robot named Katerina, the mechanical maid in the house of Enrico Menotti, falls in love with her master.
Furious Cyborg / Dark Future (1994)
The plague epidemic swept the world almost completely obliterated human civilization. The remains of people were forced to hide under the ground and submit to the new rulers - the ruthless race of cyborgs. And now, after 30 years of hard slavery on the planet, the first human child in many years was born, which was destined to become a kind of signal to start a rebellion against the masters

TV series:

Virtual Reality / VR.5 (1995)
Sydney Blum opens the door to the virtual world. Before it opens limitless possibilities. To better understand the laws of the life of the virtual world, she turns to Dr. Morgan, who helps her become a member of a secret government organization called the Committee .. Now she will have to complete many dangerous missions in the virtual jungle.
Recall all 2070 / Total Recall 2070 (1999)
2070 Planet Earth is governed by a single government. And Mars and some other planets have long been colonized. Manipulations with the memory of people have become part of everyday life and a new mass drug.
Unraveling the most complicated crimes, policeman David Hume and his partner-android Jan Farve oppose hackers and techno-addicts, android-traitors and powerful corporations. To protect the law and stay alive, they often have to play by the rules ...


Star Cruiser Galactica / Battlestar Galactica (1978-1979, 2003, 2004-2009)
The third millennium ... Space flights have long been a reality ... People create Cylons - artificial intelligence robots designed to help people. The Cylons rebelled, there was a war. People won, and the Cylons disappeared into space. 40 years have passed and the Cylons have returned ... But they now have a huge advantage - they created new robots, like two peas in a pod similar to a man. Some of them do not know who they are, considering themselves to be human.
The Cylons bombed all the planets inhabited by people, the majority of the population was destroyed, several passenger liners and the battle cruiser Galaktika managed to survive. Now it’s the turn of mankind to escape from pursuers in space ...


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future / Captain Power (1987)
In the XXII century there were metal wars between cars and people. The result was the defeat of humanity. Earth was ruled by robots headed by Lord Dredd, whose headquarters were located in Vulcania (one of the places of the post-apocalyptic world). And only a group of fighters led by Jonathan Power, dressed in special suits created by Jonathan's father, can effectively fight against Dredd's robots ...
Caprica / Caprica (2009-2010)
12 colonies of Kobol. Planet Caprica. 58 years before the destruction. Religious fanaticism again brought the fate of the families of Adam and Greystone. The loss of their daughters, generalized by grief, a prominent human rights activist Joseph Adam and a rich technologist Danieel Graystone, understand that they barely find the strength to live. In desperation, Daniel gives all his strength for the benefit of his developed industrial company to achieve one goal: to bring his daughter, and at the same time his daughter Joseph, back to life. After experiments that have given tremendous breakthroughs in robotics, and a dubious turn in the behavior of artificial intelligence, Joseph becomes a fierce opponent of the path chosen by Daniel.
Red Dwarf / Red Dwarf (1988)
The scene of the show is the Red Dwarf spacecraft. The deadly release of radiation kills everything on the ship, except for the younger technician Dave Lister, who was in the time delayer, and his pregnant cat, Frankenstein, who was in the cargo hold. Holly is the onboard computer of the Red Dwarf, holding Lister in a moderator until the radiation level drops to safe, which takes 3,000,000 years.
Kyuto / Q10 / Kyuto (2010)
Heita Fukai is a very ordinary schoolboy, timid and not at all interested in love affairs. But everything changes with the arrival of a new student. It turns out this student robot named Kyuto. The couple begins to get into trouble in school and Heita has tender feelings for his e-girlfriend.


Knight of the roads / Knight Rider (1982-1986, 1991, 2008-2009)
A lone policeman is fighting the "forces of evil" with the help of an invulnerable, equipped with an artificial intelligence car.


Terminator: Battle for the Future / The Sarah Connor Chronicles / Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008-2009)
The action of the series takes place after the events in the movie "Terminator 2: Judgment Day". Sarah Connor and her son John are hiding from the government and are carrying out a plan to destroy Skynet Corporation in the hope of preventing Armageddon.


Часть 1 Artificial Intelligence Films
Часть 2 - Artificial Intelligence Films


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