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Use of civilian infrastructure and civilian for military purposes


Wars can be considered as a manifestation of conflicts between the authorities of different states. The main idea is that there are situations in which the authorities, as well as local slaves, or, say, ordinary citizens, are not subject to the desires and interests of the governments of other states or authorities. Essentially, this means that external conflict and non-revolution create fertile ground for conflict and even military action.

Meanwhile, representatives of other countries may become involved in this conflict for various reasons, for example:

  1. Interests and Influence : Foreign countries may have interests in a region where internal conflicts occur, such as over resources, geopolitical position, or economic benefits.

  2. Party Support : Foreign states may support certain parties to a conflict by providing them with military, financial, or political support.

  3. Humanitarian Considerations : The global community may intervene in a conflict on humanitarian grounds to prevent civil disasters and human rights violations.

  4. Fear of conflict spreading : Uncontrolled internal conflicts can have a negative impact on neighboring countries, and they can intervene to prevent the spread of instability.

That. wars arise when it is impossible to negotiate between the authorities of different countries. Ultimately, wars are often a complex interplay of multiple factors and interests, both domestically and on the world stage.

To implement military operations in modern military affairs, civilian infrastructure and civilians themselves (local slaves) are actively used to achieve the goals conceived by the political and economic elites and authorities.

Use of civilian infrastructure and civilian for military purposes

The use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes can have many consequences, the Internet portal tried to figure this out, and it is regulated by international law and the domestic legislation of countries. This issue often causes a lot of discussion and controversy, as it is associated with a risk to the civilian population and world stability. Here are a few aspects of using civilian infrastructure for military purposes:

  1. Medical and humanitarian missions: Civilian infrastructure (buildings and structures) such as hospitals, schools, subways, sports facilities and others can be used to provide medical care to the military and injured civilians and humanitarian assistance in times of hostilities. This is often justified in international conflicts under the rules of humanitarian law. Also, these facilities can be used for postponing temporarily displaced persons and refugees, prisoners of war, so these facilities are often damaged by attacks from the opposite side of the conflict.

  2. Use of transport infrastructure for military purposes: Some countries may use civilian infrastructure such as airports, railway stations and ports, subways for military purposes, such as transporting troops and equipment, ammunition. This may raise concerns about the safety of the civilian population and the possible destruction of civilian infrastructure.

  3. Forested urban and suburban area - The use of forested urban and suburban areas for military purposes is a complex and sensitive issue that is subject to the regulation of international law and the domestic legislation of each country. In some cases, forested areas can be used for military training and exercises. This may include maneuvers, shooting ranges, and other training activities. Forested areas can be used to temporarily base military forces in the event of crises or military conflicts. Deployment of air defense (air defense) and artillery in forested urban and suburban areas for military purposes can be organized, but requires serious attention to a number of factors and compliance with international and national laws and regulations.

  4. The use of residential buildings occupied by civilians and unfinished or unoccupied buildings in urban and suburban areas for military purposes is an act that should be strictly regulated by international and national law. The adoption of such measures involves the observance of many ethical, legal and humanitarian norms and standards. The following are some possible scenarios for the use of such buildings for military purposes: Evacuation and Shelters: In the event of hostilities or natural disasters, residential buildings can be used as temporary shelters for civilians evacuated from danger zones. This may require the organization of temporary accommodation and security for the evacuees. Deployment of armed forces:The military can use residential buildings as a base or apartments for troops in case of need to control the territory. Strategic Plan: Unfinished or unoccupied buildings can be used as part of strategic planning, for example as observation points or shelters for security forces. However, this must be done with respect for human life and respect for human rights laws. Demolition and demolition : In some cases, residential buildings may be destroyed or demolished by the military for tactical purposes, such as cutting off traffic. This must respect the principles of proportionality and minimization of harm to the civilian population . Placement of air defense and artillery near or on residential buildings- the civilian population is used as a human shield. Unfinished buildings can be used for guerrilla or sabotage work. It is important to emphasize that the use of residential buildings and unfinished buildings for military purposes must comply with international humanitarian law and the legislation of each particular country. Measures must be taken to minimize the impact on the civilian population, preserve human life and respect human rights. However, in reality, this is often violated in real combat operations.

  5. Prohibition of Attacking Civilian Infrastructure: According to international law, there are rules against attacking civilian infrastructure because it serves the civilian population. An attack on civilian infrastructure could be considered a war crime.

  6. Protecting civilian infrastructure: Protecting civilian infrastructure during a conflict is an important task. This includes measures to prevent damage to or destruction of civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and residential buildings.

  7. Civil protection: Civil protection is a system of activities and organizations designed to protect the civilian population and infrastructure in the event of a military conflict or disaster. This system may include shelters, alerts, and evacuation.

  8. The use of forest belts by the military for defensive or offensive purposes may depend on the specific situation and military tactics, but it is important to consider international and national rules and regulations governing such actions. Forest belts can be used to protect military or civilians from enemy threats, such as attacks from the air or reconnaissance actions. Forest belts can serve to create shelters and defense positions for the armed forces. This may include setting up trenches or barricades to protect military personnel. Forest belts may contain minefields or other means of protection.

  9. The use of civilian highways and autobahns as airstrips for military aircraft, but this action requires special assessment and permission from the relevant civil and military authorities. The following are some of the aspects to consider in this use.

  10. Using civilians as human shieldsin hostilities is unacceptable from the point of view of international humanitarian law and morality. This is considered a serious violation of human rights and a crime against humanity. The use of civilians as shields can result in the death and injury of innocent people and carries moral and legal responsibility. International courts and tribunals consider such acts to be war crimes and grave violations of international law. Any state or group that uses the civilian population as a human shield can be subject to international liability and judicial procedures. However, in real combat operations, this is often used, for example, railway stations or seaports and routes can be used simultaneously to allegedly evacuate the population of the BUT and at the same time for the transport logistics of ammunition,

  11. use of communications infrastructure - Optimal interaction with communications infrastructure, including mobile base stations and Internet nodes, finds its application in military strategies and tactics. This includes active communications with military forces, effective use of passive radar, and highly effective outreach to the civilian population, with a focus on military missions and goals.

The material was prepared by the research center based on real facts from open sources that took place in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Syria, Chechnya and other countries where hostilities took place.

The use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes always raises complex issues of morality, law and ethics. International law and humanitarian law seek to set limits and limits on such use in order to minimize the suffering of the civilian population and maintain global stability.


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Terms: Warfare