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Unix shell, server technology job interview questions


  Unix shell, server technology job interview questions

4. What is Apache?
Apache HTTP is a free web server.
5. And mod_rewrite?
For the Apache web server, there is a powerful mod_rewrite module that is included in the
Dartny distribution kit. This module allows you to perform on the fly URL conversion.
The transformation mechanism is based on the use of rules, and the rules in turn
are regular expressions.
Mod_rewrite module supports an unlimited number of rules and associated with each
condition rule, implementing a really flexible and powerful URL control mechanism.
To obtain the URL of the desired type can use different data sources, for example
server variables, environment variables, HTTP headers, time, and even requests to external
databases in different formats.
The module operates with full URLs (including path-info) both in the server context (httpd.conf) and in the context
directory text (.htaccess) and can even generate parts of the query string as a result
how to see help on the team?
How to transfer paremetr script how to use?
How to check the file in the script?
How to get the value of time in unix?
How to get free disk space?
how to change the user's home folder?
what rights files do you know?
What is a mask for subtracting permissions on a file?
Where does the sbatch file start? is it possible that the beginning of the file was different
What is the difference between Anacron and cron?
Is it possible to run tasks in cron every second?
What is mount?
purpose of the file / etc / fstab .?
How to change the rights to all attached files in the current directory to 664?
How to change the rights to all subfolders in the current directory to 777?
What are zombie processes?
What is a file and network socket?
how to kill the process?
how to start the process?
what is a demon?
how to restart service (daemon)?
how to restart the computer?
How to execute commands from another user?
how to change task scheduler task list?
How to write parameters to complete the task every other day?
What is the purpose and difference between wget and curl programs?
executing php scripts in crown is performed by calling php interpreter
/ usr / local / bin / php -f /home/user/ 4
What variables and functions will not work and why?
b) $ argv [0]
c) $ _ GET ['page']
d) $ _ POST ['page']
d) dirname (__ FILE__)
Will the cron job be done? explain the answer? specify the correct commands
/ usr / local / bin / php -f /home/user/
/ usr / local / bin / php -f /home/user/ 2
/ usr / local / bin / php -f /home/user/ -1
How to check the port?
how to check the availability of a node with a given ip
how to see the route when reaching a given node
how to install software
how to perform a system update
how to execute removal of the program in the unix environment
how to find out your ip
how to change ip network interface
how to view a list of running processes
how to view a list of running demons
how to see a list of programs listening on various ports
What is forwarding and port forwarding?
18. What is the protocol for transferring data on the Internet?
The TCP / IP protocol stack is the two lower layer protocols that are the basis of communication on the network.
The Internet. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) splits transmitted information
on portions and numbers all portions. With the help of IP (Internet Protocol) all parts of
given to the recipient. Next, using the TCP protocol, it is checked whether all parts are received. With
receiving all the TCP portions puts them in the right order and assembles them into a coherent whole.
19. What are the most well-known protocols used on the Internet?
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is a hypertext transfer protocol. HTTP protocol is
is used when forwarding web pages from one computer to another.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transferring files from a special file server.
ra on the user's computer. FTP allows the subscriber to exchange binary and
text files from any computer network. Having established a connection with a remote computer,
the user can copy the file from the remote computer to his or copy the file
from your computer to the remote.
Post Office Protocol (POP) is a standard mail connection protocol. POP servers are
inbound mail is blocked, and the POP protocol is designed to process requests for receiving
mail from client mail programs.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that defines a set of rules for transferring
you. The SMTP server returns either an acknowledgment of receipt, an error message, or
requests additional information


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