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Remove line breaks online

Here you can remove line breaks, extra repeating spaces, while maintaining the structure of the text.
Online Service can restore paragraphs, remove double spaces and empty lines, and hyphens (including soft ones), and also remove spaces and indents at the beginning of lines. If you want to insert a dot before a capital letter, then use our other tool(tools)

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Removing line breaks in text online can be useful in many situations:
When copying text from a web page or other source that may contain a lot of unnecessary line breaks.
Removing these line breaks can make text more readable and easier to work with.
When working with text files, especially if they contain a large number of empty lines or spaces.
Removing line breaks and spaces can reduce file size and make it easier to download.
When working with program codes, especially in languages where the location of the code matters.
Removing line breaks can make code more compact and readable.
In general, removing line breaks can help make textual information easier to work with.
and make it more readable and usable.


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