Count the number of words in a text online

Here you can determine the exact number of words in an arbitrary text.



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Welcome to our online word count service! This handy tool is designed to help you quickly and accurately determine the number of words in your text without having to install additional software on your computer.
Main features of the service:
Simple interface:
We have created an intuitive interface so that everyone can easily use our service. You simply paste or type text into the provided field, and click the "Calculate" button.
Quick result:
Our service processes the text instantly, so you instantly get the result of counting the number of words. No more wasting time on manual counting!
We guarantee word count accuracy even if you have a large amount of text. Our algorithm processes the text carefully, taking into account all the features of the language.
Support for different languages:
Our service is not limited to one language. It can work with text in different languages, which allows you to count words in a variety of text materials.
No registration required:
We value your privacy and ease of use. You can use our service anonymously without having to create an account.
Ability to copy the result:
After counting the words, you can easily copy the resulting number of words and paste it where you want.
We hope that our online service will help you save time and make it easier to count words in your texts.
We will be glad to see you among our users! If you have any questions or suggestions for improving the service,
feel free to contact us through the provided contact details. Thank you for choosing us!


4560 times Count the number of words in a text online


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