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Smells Code Dumpers


The garbage dumpers are something useless and superfluous that could be eliminated by making the code cleaner, more efficient and easier to understand.


The method contains many explanatory comments.

Code duplication

The two code snippets look almost the same.

Lazy class

Understanding and supporting classes always takes time and money. Therefore, if a class does not do enough to give it enough attention, it must be destroyed.

Data class

Data classes are classes that contain only fields and the simplest methods for accessing them (getters and setters). These are just data containers used by other classes. These classes do not contain any additional functionality and cannot independently work with the data they own.

Dead code

A variable, parameter, field, method, or class is no longer used (most often because it is outdated).

Theoretical community

A class, method, field, or parameter is not used.

created: 2019-01-25
updated: 2021-03-13

Rating 9 of 10. count vote: 2
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Refactoring theory

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