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1. Nanophotonics - a photonics section that studies the physical processes that occur when photons interact with nanometer-sized objects.

2. Nanophotonics - the area of ​​photonics associated with the development of architectures and technologies for the production of nanostructured devices for generating, amplifying, modulating, transmitting and detecting electromagnetic radiation and devices based on such devices, as well as studying the physical phenomena that determine the functioning of nanostructured devices and occurring during the interaction of photons with nanoscale objects.


  • 1 Purposes and materials / devices nanophotonics. Perspective directions of development.
  • 2 Nanophotonic directions
  • 3 Literature
  • 4 See also

Purposes and materials / devices nanophotonics. Perspective directions of development.

The purpose of nanophotonics is the development of materials having nanometer dimensions (1-100 nm.) With the latest optical properties and the creation of photonic devices based on them. Currently, nanophotonics is considered as an alternative to modern electronics. The use of photons in the transmission and processing of information will allow to achieve significant advantages, due to the high speed and stability of photon communication channels to interference. Nanophotonic devices include devices using structures with dimensions of 100 nm. and less. Such devices solve the problems of miniaturization of many optical systems. Nanophoton devices not only significantly surpass electronic analogs, but also make it possible to successfully solve problems associated with heat generation and power supply. A weak point and a source of constant concern when using devices based on nanophotonics remains ensuring the reliability of electro-optical switches, which make it possible to convert electrical signals into optical signals and vice versa.

Silicon nanophotonic products are extremely small, so many of them are easily inserted into electronic chips. At present, many optical nanodevices can be made on the basis of standard semiconductor electronics materials, so that nano-photonics is developed mainly through a combination of electronic and photonic components, making it possible to use all the advantages of both. The possibility of using silicon crystal plates on an insulator in nanophotonics is of great importance if we recall the technology of silicon electronics. The photonic nanodevices created on the basis of such materials can be easily integrated into existing system-on-crystals, not to mention their rapid introduction into production.

Nanophotonic directions

The directions of nanophotonics include studies of the physical bases of generation and absorption of radiation in the optical spectrum in heterostructures with quantum layers, filaments and points.

Development of semiconductor and superconducting sources and electromagnetic radiation detectors.

Development of LEDs based on semiconductor heterostructures and on an organic basis.

The development of solid and organic laser.

The development of solar energy elements.

Development of nanostructured optical fibers and devices based on them.

Development of elements of photonics and shortwave nonlinear optics.

The promising areas of miniaturization of photonic devices and their integration into complex systems include the use of photonic crystals.

Fabrication and study of the properties of nanoscale optical resonators is now one of the most interesting directions in the development of nanophotonics, which are of great practical and scientific value.


  • I.P. Gurov, Computer photonics: principles, problems and prospects
  • Video: "Nanophysics, Nanotechnology, Nanophotonics"
  • A.A. Ivanov, M.V. Alfimov, A.M. Zheltikov, Femtosecond impulses in nanophotonics, 2004
created: 2014-09-13
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Photonics