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Iron (Fe) is a macronutrient that is essential in plant nutrition. Its meaning can be summarized as follows:

Function in Chlorophyll: Iron is an integral part of the chlorophyll molecule, the pigment needed for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis allows plants to convert light energy into chemical energy, which is then used to synthesize organic matter.

Metabolic Involvement: Iron is involved in a variety of plant metabolic processes, including respiration and nitrogen fixation. It also activates enzymes that are essential for the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Electron transport: Iron plays a role in the transport of electrons within plant cells. This is important for electron transport, which is involved in creating energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Oxidation and reduction reactions: Iron is involved in the oxidation and reduction reactions that regulate the oxygen balance in plant cells and allow them to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Symbiosis with Bacteria: Some plants form symbiotic relationships with iron bacteria, which are able to capture atmospheric nitrogen and enrich the soil with nitrogen. Iron plays an important role in these symbiotic processes.

Iron deficiency in plants can cause problems such as:

Chlorosis (yellowing of leaves): This is one of the main symptoms of iron deficiency. Yellowing leaves may be the result of a lack of chlorophyll.

Limited Growth and Development: A lack of iron can slow down the growth and development of plants.

To combat iron deficiency, iron-containing fertilizers are often used, which can be added to soil or water for irrigation. Soil pH can also affect the availability of iron to plants, so it should be monitored and, if necessary, adjusted.

created: 2023-08-19
updated: 2023-08-19

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Agrochemistry and biochemistry

Terms: Agrochemistry and biochemistry