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Content Recommendations Java


Recommendations for learning.


Lesson 1: Introducing the Eclipse Shell. Basics of Java syntax.

Lesson 2. Methods, arrays and strings in Java.

Lesson 3. Basics of object-oriented programming in Java.

Lesson 4. Interfaces, packages, scopes.

Lesson 5. Fulfillment of tasks. Report

Lesson 6. Package java.util. Overview of collection classes.

Lesson 7. Package java.util. Associative lists. Work with dates. Random numbers

Lesson 8. Graphical user interface. Introduction to the Swing Library.

Lesson 9. Graphical user interface. Swing visual components overview.

Lesson 10. Graphical user interface. Event handling, creating menus and dialog boxes in Swing.

Lesson 11. Access to the database from the program in Java.

Lesson 12. Implementation of the client-server model in Java.

Assignment of benefits

This e-textbook developed for practical training on the course "Information Technology". The purpose of the practical exercises is to familiarize yourself with the Java programming language and learn the following skills:

  • develop Java programs using the Eclipse shell
  • use standard java libraries
  • develop a graphical user interface using the Swing library
  • interact with databases from java program
  • programming network applications (client-server model)

How to allocate time

Each chapter benefits exactly one lesson. If a chapter is too complicated and does not have time to be studied (with the implementation of all the exercises) during the lesson, it is necessary to finish it at home. The same applies to missed classes.

Eclipse is a free and open source system that works equally on Windows and Linux operating systems. A disc with this system, as well as installation instructions, can be obtained from a teacher. Thus, the timely implementation of tasks (if necessary - at home) really does not interfere.

How to use the manual

The manual is designed for students of varying degrees of preparedness (and aptitude for programming). The manual can work in several modes:

1. The default mode. Designed for students who do not claim to be highly appreciated. In this mode, all the information needed to complete the tasks is available, but no more.

2. For the lagging behind. It is assumed that students who have begun to study the discipline "Information Technologies" already have programming skills in another language, learn the basics of object-oriented programming, know how to use UML diagrams, etc. Without this knowledge to perform tasks will not work. The manual has several small chapters with repetition, which are disclosed by clicking on the title. These chapters are intended for those who have forgotten the materials of previous disciplines and should help them to remember. For those who for some reason have not studied these topics, a brief repetition probably will not help. They need to immediately refer to additional literature.

3. Complete information. For students applying for high marks. Clicking on the blue “Learn More” icons located in the margins opens blocks with additional information. They contain descriptions of software designs and programming techniques that you need to know and own in order to perform tasks more efficiently and professionally.

The following approach to learning the course is recommended. For the first time, read the manual in a row, opening chapters with repetition and with additional information (if there is not enough time for the lesson, additional information can be found at home). With read chapters, you can work as a reference book (since in the default mode only the most necessary information is open, it is easy to find help on the desired topic).

Benefit Limitations

Keep in mind! This e-textbook is not a textbook per se. With it, you will not be able to master the Java programming language perfectly.

Compared to a full-fledged textbook, the manual doesn’t have enough examples of live code (fully completed programs); many of the libraries often used by programmers are not considered. There is no description of some features of the language (which, although they are used quite rarely, should be known to the programmer ).

If you really want to program in Java, you need to study a few of these tutorials. And you need to take on them immediately, only your own efforts will make you a professional. A list of recommended textbooks is provided below.

Main literature

1. Vyazovik N.A. Java programming. With the help of this tutorial, you can learn the basics of programming in the Java language (what is devoted to the first 7 lessons of this manual), and also learn the standard Java libraries that programmers constantly use in their work. The textbook is freely available on the site After reading it, you can be tested for free and receive an electronic certificate on the same site.

2. Ivan Portyankin. SWING: Efficient user interfaces. After studying this book (and testing all the numerous examples), you can develop Java programs with a full-fledged graphical interface, without which no modern application is needed. In this tutorial, the Swing library is covered in classes 8 through 9.

additional literature

3. Khabibullin I.Sh. Tutorial Java 2. This book can be replaced by books (1) and (2), because it combines all the topics covered (and even a few additional ones). However, the material presented is inferior to them in depth.

created: 2014-12-11
updated: 2024-11-11

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